Tattoos - Yes or no ?
What are your thoughts on tattoos? Do you like them or loathe them? Do you find them sexy? Would you turn someone down if they had them? Does it depend on what and where they are?
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Comments (148)
laugar164 - 15 Feb, 2023 - 04:45PM
I don't min a few discrete ones
I did go to get on many years ago. Got to the tattoo artist place and it was very busy and because of the wait I lost my bottle 😂 glad I did now
No jokes about me being a coward thanks
1580818 - 15 Feb, 2023 - 03:19PM
I joined about a fortnight ago and I’m finding a lot, but not all ladies in their late 40’s to 60’ are finding them a no no.
Possibly the beard too mind
Sparkesmightfly - 14 Feb, 2023 - 09:17PM
I love tattoos. Having tattoos myself I love the stories behind them. Tribal ones are amazing.
1575057 - 14 Feb, 2023 - 01:30PM
Absolutely love tattoos
Billynobragging - 14 Feb, 2023 - 11:29AM
ExoticOrchid, what I failed to include is that the tattoo artist said he could do the 'Welc' bit okay.
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ExoticOrchid - 14 Feb, 2023 - 11:22AM
Billynobragging - 14 Feb, 2023 - 11:00AM
"I have a couple and want one on my penis that says 'Welcome to the United Kingdom, Enjoy your stay'."
I thought you said "no bragging" ... :-))
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Billynobragging - 14 Feb, 2023 - 11:00AM
I love them, they are sexy, sensual and certainly draw the attention of my eyes.
I have a couple and want one on my penis that says 'Welcome to the United Kingdom, Enjoy your stay'. ;-)
Nefateri22 - 14 Feb, 2023 - 12:17AM
I like them at the body or arms. But it can also be a bit too much. So it comes down to taste I guess
1582610 - 13 Feb, 2023 - 11:12PM
Doesn’t make a difference. Some look good and some do not as it depends on the person and the Tattoos
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Redfirefox - 13 Feb, 2023 - 10:59PM
I couldn’t care less… with or without. Some look sexy some look cheap and tacky. Tattoos are an art and a way to express yourself. Although I have none i a an appreciate a nice body with or without.
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