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Tattoos - Yes or no ?

What are your thoughts on tattoos? Do you like them or loathe them? Do you find them sexy? Would you turn someone down if they had them? Does it depend on what and where they are?

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Comments (148)

Clangerb1505 - 09 Jan, 2023 - 08:17PM

I can’t say I like them. I don’t want an intricate picture taking my attention away from the beautiful woman with the soft clear skin.. natural beauty is amazing to me.. a work of art has its place but not on a woman’s body.. I can’t comment about a man.. but I don’t see the point of them really on either sex!

Sam523 - 04 Jan, 2023 - 04:58PM

Unless they are very discreet they all to often distract attention from the attractiveness of a beautiful woman. I guess I'm old fashioned.

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Kissinger - 03 Jan, 2023 - 03:13PM

Pattens are easy and can look gorgeous. I've seen some cool figurative stuff too but I feel embarrassed when I see a really badly drawn object/person inked onto some poor victim with no aesthetic understanding.
Ultimately the owner has to boss it, wear it with confidence and that's what makes it sexy and classy. It was after all historically the privilege of the privileged classes.

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1573781 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 10:26PM

Tattoos are hot, i like how some have meaning and when they are so intricate . They look good on anyone , each person has thier own preference but i say YAY and hubbah hubbah

1010337 - 02 Jan, 2023 - 08:48PM

The odd discreet one is ok but I don't like my ladies looking like a sailor.

1573670 - 31 Dec, 2022 - 12:57PM

Hi I have a few. I have no prejudice at all for or against. Suppose I like smaller delicate ones on a lady usually but have seen larger bolder ones and the just suit the person

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1573670 - 31 Dec, 2022 - 12:57PM

Hi I have a few. I have no prejudice at all for or against. Suppose I like smaller delicate ones on a lady usually but have seen larger bolder ones and the just suit the person

billyboy4555 - 29 Dec, 2022 - 09:43PM

I love them. I have two and will get some more. They express a part of you, how you feel, what you care about etc. They also look v.sexy on a woman.

1544311 - 28 Dec, 2022 - 03:12PM

It took me to 50 to get my first one and now I want more, I love them on women and find them a real turn on.

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1563871 - 28 Dec, 2022 - 01:42PM

Cannot say that I am a fan

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