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Christmas Meets

Anyone have a nice meet planned with their IE before Christmas? Do you do gifts or is that too much?

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Comments (247)

1447655 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 12:55PM

I met 16 different guys in 9 months on here in 2021, as part of my selection process (met here means coffee, park-walk, a drink). There's plenty of women who meet. I had a fling with #4, but had to wait until i'd met #16 for that undeniable spark and I'm glad I waited for the fireworks, but I met some nice chaps along the way.

However, is anyone else finding that old I.E contacts are getting in touch practically en-mass just now? Some kind of pre-Christmas hysteria to get a seasonal 'snog' or something???!

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Delicious Chaos - 22 Dec, 2022 - 11:26AM

Yes there are, but there are also plenty of women here that don’t and lie about it.

1529050 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 11:14AM


Plenty of real women here who do meet and conduct affairs …

Regarding gifts - yes I’ve done it in the past - but now I’d rather not have the pressure or disappointment!

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Delicious Chaos - 22 Dec, 2022 - 10:10AM

When did this site become a place full of fantasists and bull shitters, You may not agree with what I post and that’s fair enough as I may not agree with you. At least I speak from the heart and from experience. Keep it real people. Ladies, if you just want the male admiration without actually having the courage to meet then so be it. I keep it real, will say it how it is and actually meet. There are plenty of you that don’t, and you know it.
Men, seriously if you want to be taken in by these women who just want their ego boosted then good luck to all of you,

Delicious Chaos - 22 Dec, 2022 - 10:05AM

Clark Kent
Like I said to you previously you’re in the wrong job 👍
You are exactly the type of bloke I would avoid on here

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1538668 - 22 Dec, 2022 - 09:35AM

Intoxiate your mind

Happy christmas.

As Blackadder once said: "please, please, please, stop."

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Delicious Chaos - 22 Dec, 2022 - 07:37AM

Clark Kent, I’m sorry but you are a typical. No clue!

Yes I also live in a house with my husband and I have managed quite well for 12 years!!

1546412 - 21 Dec, 2022 - 11:53PM

Best of luck, and festive fun to Dotty, Becky, Nored Housewife and anyone else who has a pre or post Christmas meet coming up. Lucky you- enjoy!

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1533992 - 21 Dec, 2022 - 10:57PM

I would have thought a cucumber might be more use than an apple.

Rufus rude food

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1527413 - 21 Dec, 2022 - 09:41PM

Tickets to a show.
There you go, sorted.

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