A lot of comments on the forum from men state that women are looking for men over a certain height. It would be interesting to hear what height the husband's, partners and ex partners are of the females on here are/were for comparison and for clarity, if they can be totally honest?
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Comments (183)
1575958 - 01 Feb, 2023 - 05:23PM
As a caveat to that last post, that doesn't mean anyone below that height is going to be ignored. It's just an extra plus if you are. And in all honesty, personality is king.
1575958 - 01 Feb, 2023 - 01:22PM
I'm quite partial to a tall lady. I'm about 5'10" and any female that height or over gets my attention. It's just a shame that a lot of tall women are very self conscious about it and stoop.
giftedeloquance - 28 Jan, 2023 - 07:29PM
It can be taste. A preference. Some psychology suggests it’s based on people s/he have known.
But it’s a choice. And not to be dismissed.
1010337 - 26 Jan, 2023 - 09:00PM
Naughty in NW - 26 Jan, 2023 - 08:05PM
Don't you encourage them! 😂
Naughty in NW - 26 Jan, 2023 - 08:05PM
Cheesypuff-25 Jan, 2023-10:41 PM
You've just contradicted yourself there......😁
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J1on1d - 26 Jan, 2023 - 09:21AM
EO - At least padded bras look good to the beholder! 😊. (Can’t say the same for Cuban heals).
ExoticOrchid - 26 Jan, 2023 - 09:06AM
Men in Cuban heels are like women in padded bras. 🤢
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AGeordieGuy - 26 Jan, 2023 - 07:22AM
In my 20s I met a girl online and on our first date she said “Oh thank God you’re actually tall. I can wear my heels.” She pulled a pair of heels out of her handbag and swapped them for her flats. “You’ve no idea how many guys lie about their height, and get insecure when I’m taller than them.”
I learned: 1) some girls like tall men; 2) some guys like women who are shorter than them; 3) if you need to lie about your height, better get lifts in your shoes are learn to walk in heels. ;-)
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