The 'Average' body
This seems, I suggest, to be often considered differently by men and women.
It does of course perhaps depend on age? I mean is it a size 10 when
considering a woman in her 20's. Or a 12/14 when older say after having
kids? Or even 14/16?
What is a woman's view and also that of a man?
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Comments (225)
1010337 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 10:59PM
Shyguy743621 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 10:35PM
We can all agree Kylie is hot though.
This is the way - 04 Feb, 2023 - 10:35PM
Cheesy 8.25pm
You’re a wise man, as well as a perverted mf if previous posts are to be believed. 🤣
Totally agree. And that’s why meeting is so important. And why this thread is nonsense. There’s no such thing as average. We, as in the human race, all have wildly different tastes and turn-ons. It what differentiates us. Supposedly.
It’s only the bloody media and ‘society’ that tells us what we should and shouldn’t like. Fuck em. Let’s revolt!
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1010337 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 08:25PM
I find dress size pretty useless for determining if someone has a figure I'll be attracted to.
Women who are the same dress size can be a completely different shape and build, I gave up taking any notice of dress size years ago.
If she looks good, smells good, feels good and tastes good then she can have me any way she wants me.
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1010337 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 08:13PM
TheBoredHousewife - 04 Feb, 2023 - 12:00PM
I don't know who either of those gentlemen are but I agree with the sentiments x
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leggysheila - 04 Feb, 2023 - 03:35PM
I'm a size 8/10 depending on fit but; I have to very small bust 30A bra size. It used to put me off chasing guys I was embarrassed when a guy used to undo my bra. But over the years I come to the conclusion that a large bust ain't everything and you I can still get into my school dress from my last year. I'm 68 years young XXX
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mipaulac - 04 Feb, 2023 - 03:34PM
Enigma. - 04 Feb, 2023 - 06:52AM
The average size in Uk is classed as 14 and 16…" If that's true it's a shocking indication of an obesity crisis.
I ask that a female has a slimmer waist than me ......33" and hopefully trim and firm evidently the "average" now isn't that 😃
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1494077 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 01:05PM
I meant that the other way round!! 🙈
1494077 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 12:59PM
laugar164 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 12:52PM
Tbf they both say it. The former, when the moon turns blue; and the latter, whenever he gets the chance!
1408586 - 04 Feb, 2023 - 12:42PM
Awwww that’s so lovely @TBH. I’m very jealous 🥰
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