Distance and how to get a reply?
I live in the far tip of Cornwall
Tried every website and app known to man for the last 4 years
There’s just no one local to me
Apart from the obvious answer of to move
What can I do to attract someone?
Post Covid everyone wants to buy a house in cornwall and Devon
But why does no one seem to want to date?
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Comments (189)
1408586 - 16 Mar, 2023 - 09:43AM
@Hottie Spicy
It sounds like you’re saying you want to shag Doris, but she doesn’t want to shag you.
That’s kind of life for all of us really? No point in being bitter about it.
We’re all married, and presumably an affair has to be pretty damn amazing for most of us to take the risk.
I think you live in London? There must be literally millions of women there (cba to google!). And there are loads people from London on here too!! You’ll find your Doris at some point I’m sure 😉
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1586130 - 16 Mar, 2023 - 07:30AM
Redfirefox - it's a term that refers to the idea that women who are below average in looks begin to get an unrealistic idea of their own desirability because SO many hot men are sniffing around them on the dating apps.
Sometimes those women will get a shag, sometimes they won't, and even though Crystal Ken will ultimately always pick Barbie over Doris when it comes to a relationship, the overvaluation seed is planted and Doris will only "like" the straight 10s from now on.
The result is that an awful lot of men who Doris would usually match with if she met them down the pub, are rejected out of hand. Meanwhile, Doris becomes an Alpha Widow, spending years of her life holding out for another straight-10 instead of lowering her standards to more realistic levels and finding romance and happiness.
I've been on this site on and off for the past two and a bit years and I see an awful lot of the same women with the same active profiles containing the same super-high expectations, who are clearly STILL unmat
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1529050 - 16 Mar, 2023 - 07:19AM
Saint_David - 15 Mar, 2023 - 10:29PM
I absolutely agree about post code lottery- in a big City it appears so much easier.
For example London - you have people who live in London - then expand into the Home Counties … many work in London - then add in regular visitors to London for work or pleasure - some may work in London (some with apartments) but go home at weekends - so it can open up lots and lots of opportunities!!
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1585430 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 10:29PM
I kind-of have a situation similar to the OP in that I live a well-known holiday hotspot in South Devon. Not nearly as remote but most visitors are here with families or partners and besides, I prefer something a little less transient than a holiday romance. The south west is a large pond containing relatively few fish so acpk's postcode lottery theory certainly has a ring of truth about it.
I've never had a problem with a longer distance affairs, but I'd suggest I'm one of a small minority, as ultimately, you're looking for a niche within a niche. Of course the logistics become more complicated, and regular overnight availability is required but in my experience it also keeps things fresh as over familiarity never enters the equation and every date has that first date sizzle about it.
I'm a firm believer in life being what you make of it, and if you want these thrills and spills you might need to, literally, go the extra mile.
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1483842 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 09:13PM
Depends on your availability.
Begs the question that why would you want to shit on your own doorstep? That is a huge risk. Unless you are single/divorced etc. Even if you were, are you really expecting someone to put 8n all the effort to deliver it to you around the corner?
Open your mind. Meet someone further afield half way.
My availability is twice a month overnight. This ensures we have time to relax, have fun and laugh before devouring each other and our time is precious after all.
Maybe a rethink is needed as to what you really want. Is it an exclusive relationship? 5 times a week? Then I suppose it would be beneficial banging the next door neighbor.
Either way, you need to put more effort into it. I'm not sure if you are a man or woman but, what difference does that really make?
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1554570 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 07:06PM
I think dating is a postcode lottery, the more people you have access to the better you chances have of finding someone,, if there are no people local to you - you are going to be a bit stuck really 🤷🏼
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1408586 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 06:56PM
1494077 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 06:25PM
We need to hear @Cuilleog’s to die for voice!!!
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1529050 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 05:55PM
Becky and Cuilleog one if the reasons I first came on here was that my affair in the real world had ended - not badly- we’re still friends - but it hurt me a lot and to still see him - I felt coming on here and meeting someone at least when it ended I would have no seed to have contact - and so far that’s been the case. Easier for me to draw the line and move on.
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1408586 - 15 Mar, 2023 - 05:50PM
The handsome hunks always have terrible attitudes RFF 😂 mine definitely does 😉
Oooh Cuilleog love a guy with a voice to die for!! Good luck in your search (sounds like you won’t need it!)
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