Distance and how to get a reply?
I live in the far tip of Cornwall
Tried every website and app known to man for the last 4 years
There’s just no one local to me
Apart from the obvious answer of to move
What can I do to attract someone?
Post Covid everyone wants to buy a house in cornwall and Devon
But why does no one seem to want to date?
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Comments (189)
1010337 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 06:37PM
J1on1d - 08 Feb, 2023 - 11:44AM
Should have quit while you were ahead dude 😒
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J1on1d - 08 Feb, 2023 - 11:44AM
Rufus you missed the slam dunk - it’s an old one but goodie
Rufus Penis cum harder
1533992 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 10:49AM
I remember reading somewhere that drinking pineapple juice improves the taste of semen amd makes it more palatable.......do you wanna umbella with that luv?
Rufus penis collada
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1529050 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 10:08AM
hahaha you lot are going to send 4u2nome insane when he reads the latest comments!
2 members like this comment.
laugar164 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 09:53AM
TheBoredHousewife - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:33AM
I have plenty of gravy if you are ravenous 😉 I've been told it tastes gourmet style
1010337 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:48AM
TheBoredHousewife - 08 Feb, 2023
I've got my mini cobb for them.
1494077 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:33AM
Cheesypuff - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:16AM
Gravy is the best accompaniment for a juicy meat feast! Utterly lapilicious for the ravenous. But fair enough some might have to make do with other condiments.
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1010337 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:16AM
Rufus 269 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 12:05AM
I just need to find a lady who has a boneless bucket that needs filling with my tasty meat, gravy optional.
1010337 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 08:11AM
Paula99 - 08 Feb, 2023 - 05:24AM
Mr On1 seems to have been studying me quite closely, it's inevitably he would become funnier learning from the best.
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