Distance and how to get a reply?
I live in the far tip of Cornwall
Tried every website and app known to man for the last 4 years
There’s just no one local to me
Apart from the obvious answer of to move
What can I do to attract someone?
Post Covid everyone wants to buy a house in cornwall and Devon
But why does no one seem to want to date?
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Comments (189)
1529050 - 20 Mar, 2023 - 07:17AM
FerrariFF - 19 Mar, 2023 - 11:30PM
To be fair it can sometimes take me 2 hours to drive to central London … and I live in London … Surely you’d get a train into town?? As long as you avoid strike days … from where you are lots of options into the west end or city ?
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1587581 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 11:30PM
I've been thinking about this time/distance thing today. I drove to Norwich today from Kent (to see my dear old mum), it took 2 hrs, nice clear run.
I live 15 miles from Central London (South of it) on a bad day that can take more than 2 hours, driving it can be horrendous and the trains can be hit and miss.
I was considering opening my search up to all the home counties (rather than those only South of the Thames but it seems anything around an 45min plus is just not considered. So I'd probably be wasting my time. In fact I've just put a little addendum on my profile about it.
Short of moving to central London I'm not sure what to do. The reality is I've found no more than a dozen people in my age range within the time/distance window most consider a deal breaker. And I'm not in what you'd exactly consider a sparsley populated part of the country.
Enigma.. - 19 Mar, 2023 - 10:06PM
I live in Ayrshire Scotland.
I have on my profile “within reasonable travelling distance”.
Yet I still get messages from men from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and parts of Scotland that I don’t consider within reasonable travelling distance.
I’m on here to find someone to meet up with. Not spend hours on a train or bus for a, what, 20 min coffee date 🤷🏼♀️🙄
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mr_kneedown - 19 Mar, 2023 - 08:00PM
Have you tried suggesting meeting in Bristol?
It's just a few hours away by train. And you're unlikely to bump into anyone who might know you.
I love Cornwall & visit 2-3 times a year, but the logistics of having an affair with someone there is just too hard to get over (I'm in Cardiff!)
1529050 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 07:34PM
Beckysharp - 19 Mar, 2023 - 10:46AM
Nope we definitely don’t have to worry about randoms - especially when they would never hit my radar!!!
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Delicious Chaos - 19 Mar, 2023 - 02:38PM
I’m getting fed up with the men who are contacting me when they are the opposite end to me. No I don’t want an affair with someone who lives in Glasgow or even someone who lives one hour away, in fact in reality it’s never one hour unless you’re travelling at 3am when there’s no traffic!!
Ffs do not waste my time. Seriously men why?
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1494077 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 01:44PM
Less IS More.
What we do or do not do on this website is really nobody’s business. If not this one, then there are others that we could be a virtual resident in.
Anyway I’m on zimmer frame, ill fitting dentures and need to be tucked into bed early with a commode not too far away. Nobody will want me 😝
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Paula99 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 10:58AM
I think the more we explain our actions the more ammunition we give others .. we don’t need to explain what we do to others (who don’t know us personally) ..
LESS IS MORE …in my experience
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1408586 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 10:46AM
DG and LG we are adults and make our own decisions. We don’t have to explain ourselves to randoms on this site!!
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1447655 - 19 Mar, 2023 - 10:32AM
Thankyou Dotty 💗
(It does get to me when guys complain or question because i do try to be as on the level as possible and to be fair. I'm pretty much left alone up there though.)
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