Distance and how to get a reply?
I live in the far tip of Cornwall
Tried every website and app known to man for the last 4 years
There’s just no one local to me
Apart from the obvious answer of to move
What can I do to attract someone?
Post Covid everyone wants to buy a house in cornwall and Devon
But why does no one seem to want to date?
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Comments (189)
1529050 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:56PM
TheBoredHousewife - 18 Mar, 2023
Always welcome!!
Also I should say…. Whilst being in London has it advantages… it appears IEs can happen any where … so don’t give up !!
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1494077 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:39PM
Agree with Becks.
Need to take into account that a certain percentage of those first meets arranged might not actually come to fruition.
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1587581 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:38PM
Actually sounds like a great idea Becky and realistically its the plan......just got to get those messages read and replied to...
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1494077 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:34PM
London proper is lovely. I would go there every single time if given the opportunity!
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1408586 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:31PM
I think if I was in your position, lots of freedom, separated, a Ferrari…
I’d just arrange as many first dates as possible, frame it as road trips with a pleasant coffee/lunch involved and see where it takes you!
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1587581 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:14PM
Actually I adore a French accent, incredibly sexy, I exchanged messages with a French lady yesterday, based in London but I'm too available unfortunately. She needs her beau to be married....
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1529050 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:13PM
FerrariFF - 18 Mar, 2023 - 08:38PM
London - proper 😂
We meet in town 20 min train ride …
Would I travel further? Not sure 🤔 it’s easy for me to get lost for the day and get home at reasonable time .. just works.
I would never say never to anything further afield and with my first IE I did have nights together and a weekend away so anything is possible.
I guess for me I would be happy to travel to Home Counties - but it’s much easier to be anonymous in London ..?? ( or any other city)
I think a 3/4 hour trip to wales might be a bit too much tho 😂😂
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1587581 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:12PM
Overwhelmed? What's that?
You ladies need to step into the shoes of gentlemans account for a week and see what it's like on the other side of the fence....:-)
Wales becomes a consideration when the opposite of overwhelmed occurs!
Early days yet.......
But yes the car does make it less of chore if I can avoid the speed cameras....
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1408586 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 09:03PM
Depends how often you want to meet FerrariFF.
A once or twice month day/overnight trip I don’t see why travelling a bit further wouldn’t work? Especially if you’ll be driving in a Ferrari!!
But a weekly ‘date’ I’d keep it as local as possible.
I also wouldn’t rush to rule out London, unless you’re overwhelmed with options…
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1494077 - 18 Mar, 2023 - 08:50PM
FerrariFF - 18 Mar, 2023 - 08:38PM
France might be nearer 😜
But the beautiful Welsh accent. Unbeatable!
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