Distance & IEs
How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive messages from men who live in other parts of the country but travel with work to my area. Personally, it makes me feel like they're looking for a hook up in every port they travel to. Is it better that they live in your county or the next? Can an affair be better and more fulfilling the nearer the person lives?
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Comments (174)
ExoticOrchid - 26 Mar, 2023 - 09:56PM
Quixotic - 09:06PM
Mo man is worth going all that way for of course ... just happened that he was already there and I was passing with just a slight detour needed ... my IEs usually travel to my area. And yes, even from another continent!
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1588499 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 09:06PM
Beckysharp - 07:57AM
We were only about 1:30 from each other so it was usually somewhere in the Peak District less than 1 hour.
I'm still reeling at Exotic's escapades to Dubai and Singapore. Of course, your catchment area increases exponentially, not linearly, with distance so it makes sense to be prepared to travel a bit further but I'm not sure Heathrow Airport would ever be in my plans. Hardcore IE'ing!
(Edit: 'less than' sign cuts off the rest of the text.)
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1588499 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 09:01PM
Beckysharp - 07:57AM
We were only about 1:30 from each other so it was usually somewhere in the Peak District
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1408586 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 12:10PM
Oh I wasn’t saying it wasn’t BS TBH 😉. And quite obviously at that! Silly man!
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1563427 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 12:06PM
As a newbie, distance will be an issue as , while it is nice to get messages, they are not always from the area you state in the profile. Planning to a degree is important, whilst things happen out of your control,If I say I will at least turn up for a prospective meeting., and see what transpires. Why spend time(2 hours +) driving?
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1494077 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 11:53AM
The reason why it’s hogwash is because he messaged me again months later and never mentioned this substantial lady that was so clearly into him, giving a totally different past IE history. I think if people want to give an elaborate story, at least fabricate it well, and make sure it is water tight! 😜
Right! And that’s discounting the road works, accidents and rush hour traffic! 😂
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1585430 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 11:39AM
I've said my views on distance before on here but I'm ultimately realistic.... a 2 hour trip just doesn't fit if it was just for a quickie but with a plush hotel booked for the night waiting at the other end then it takes on a different aura.
Obviously it depends on overnight availability (or at least a late-pass til the small hours) to make it work, or if you were planning seeing them 7 days a week it'd be ridiculous, but that's a different question about regularity.... when does an IE cross the line and become just dating? surely that negates the whole attraction of a secret liaison??
ExoticOrchid - 26 Mar, 2023 - 10:38AM
IYM - 10:27AM
What if they are left handed? 🤔🤣
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Delicious Chaos - 26 Mar, 2023 - 10:27AM
I don’t think distance matters to men. Most are quite happy engaging in dirty chat and their right hand…you don’t need to travel for that
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1408586 - 26 Mar, 2023 - 10:12AM
I met a guy for a drink off here once who regularly travels between highlands and Oxford! But not for meets (as far as I’m aware!). We are still in touch and he sends me lovely photos of the northern lights/whales etc 😊
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