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Distance & IEs

How do you feel about the distance between you and a potential IE? For example, I receive messages from men who live in other parts of the country but travel with work to my area. Personally, it makes me feel like they're looking for a hook up in every port they travel to. Is it better that they live in your county or the next? Can an affair be better and more fulfilling the nearer the person lives?

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Comments (174)

1588905 - 21 Mar, 2023 - 09:29AM

Only just joined. Think I would want about half an hour drive away. Not close enough to bump into as Acpk55 mentioned, but close enough that it isn't a major hassle to meet up. I guess even better if the other person lived an hour away and you met halfway?

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Johnnylondon - 21 Mar, 2023 - 09:28AM

I would say, as with most things, it depends on the situation and if you're both comfortable. I met with someone last year (irl if you can believe it) that was based in a different country where one of my work offices was based. It suited her because it was some fun and excitement once a month (her words not mine) and suited me for the same reasons. I think as long as you're both open and the expectations are there upfront then either work - also there's a safety with neither of you being on each others doorstep I guess

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1554570 - 21 Mar, 2023 - 09:21AM

You need some amount of distance, as you hardly want to bump into someone you are having an affair with while you are grocery shopping in Tesco with your husband/ wife/ partner

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chris19389 - 21 Mar, 2023 - 09:17AM

I’ve seen women who also might be looking for a guy in every port, it isn’t exclusively a guy thing of course.

I’m happy if my illicit encounters are safely away from home, either way.

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