It's in the kiss...
Good kissing, they say, is like drinking salted makes you thirsty for more.
What is your favourite technique, to give and recieve? What makes your brain melt and forget your own address (and that you once had knees). What is your most memorable I.E kiss, and what has you running for the door?!
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Comments (216)
RickiQ - 13 Apr, 2023 - 11:57AM
Long time have not enjoyed the moment, completely forgotten. Need more practice, looking for offers.
Smartypants65 - 13 Apr, 2023 - 10:57AM
It’s all in the kiss :)
Especially that first one
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405640 - 13 Apr, 2023 - 10:25AM
I've found kisses really do vary, nothing better than a nice soft playful kiss that soon turns into a passionate mouth foreplay.... But also nothing worse than a clumsy teeth clashing kiss...
Yes some of it is experience and technique but also some of it is just shape of mouths are not compatible.
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1494077 - 05 Apr, 2023 - 09:13PM
Lorelai Gilmore - 01 Apr, 2023 - 11:05AM
Hope the kiss made up for the monologue!
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Springit - 05 Apr, 2023 - 07:21PM
LG 5.32pm
Just interested … what’s your worst date on IE . What was so bad about it ? I’m guessing he looked nothing like his pictures ? Acted like an idiot ?
1010337 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 09:03PM
Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 08:29PM
Back to your place it is 🍆
Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 08:29PM
Senior Burger flipper. …very important job …you must tell me all about it and bore me to death ..
Corsa VXR….you can give me a lift home 😂
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1010337 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 08:15PM
Paula99 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 11:46AM
Ahem, I was promoted to Senior burger flipper last week 😏
Want to come for a ride in my new Corsa VXR?
1529050 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 06:23PM
LG and Quixocit
To be fair I’ve not had that many or ones that were bad first meets ….
Had a couple that it was obvious that we were not attracted to each other. My current IE was my third meet this time round - third time’s the charm 😍
I was on here about 6 weeks before we came across each other … sometimes it takes longer … but you know when it’s right 👍🏻
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1588499 - 01 Apr, 2023 - 06:17PM
LG - I need to go back into the archives! I must've been lucky first time round, only had one other meet (and she was pleasant enough) before finding my dream IE. (sigh!)
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