It's in the kiss...
Good kissing, they say, is like drinking salted makes you thirsty for more.
What is your favourite technique, to give and recieve? What makes your brain melt and forget your own address (and that you once had knees). What is your most memorable I.E kiss, and what has you running for the door?!
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Comments (216)
1554570 - 30 Mar, 2023 - 08:43AM
Sorry, that’s just not true, age has nothing to do with it, I think it’s a confidence thing, age is irrelevant really
1588499 - 30 Mar, 2023 - 08:28AM
IYM - yeah, I always had the impression that women knew what they were doing, until recently 🥴
It's not that people necessarily have to be classed as good or bad though. There is meh. The kiss should be the fire that lights everything. I've said it before, I think it's more intimate than sex in some ways.
Being that close to someone. You can smell them. Hear their breathing. Luuurvely!
Delicious Chaos - 30 Mar, 2023 - 06:29AM
You would think women know how to kiss, lord I’ve had some bad woman kissers in my time
Paula99 - 30 Mar, 2023 - 05:29AM
A55 ..
That applies you younger women in general ..because they are body conscious it’s a learning process for women ..but yes women do lie there and think of England … but I don’t think guys(younger) have the patience because they are a bit selfish and they only think about their part ..
Both are guilty parties …😕
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1554570 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 11:59PM
Yeah, but it’s like being with a manakin , you keep having to move their hand’s about 😂
Probably the same kind of women who lay still like a sack of spuds in bed
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1494077 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 11:12PM
Acpk55 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 10:44PM
Ok well I have never kissed a woman, and my hands definitely do wander. Likewise, if a man doesn’t move his hands and explore, I start thinking maybe he doesn’t like me! 😂
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Paula99 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 11:03PM
Do you guide their hands to where you want them to touch’s about communication?
I always the first to put a hand up his shirt or through his hair …😈😈😈
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1554570 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 10:44PM
Yep, some women are hopeless , they put one hand on your arm and never move it.
Touch is so important, waist, hip, chest, everywhere please!
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1494077 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 10:37PM
Acpk55 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 10:16PM
Hmm? You mean women don’t use hands? Do they just stand there, mouths opening and closing like goldfish when they kiss? 🤔
1554570 - 29 Mar, 2023 - 10:16PM
A good kisser is important, slow and lingering, not pecking like a bird!., some women do this !
Slide One hand on her bum while you move in for the 1st kiss, use the other to brush the hair back., then slide the hand round and gently cup a breast, mmm 😋 lovely.
Women need to use their hands more, love a woman grabbing my bum …
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