Hair Colour
Why is it that men put their hair colour as brown, grey, blonde etc....but when you see their pic they're bald, or practically bald? I do think that's false advertising and grossly misleading.
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Comments (97)
marklondonengland - 27 Jun, 2024 - 06:13PM
This is hilarious. I'm not dating men so I have no experience of this, but what I will say is that there is absolutely no point misrepresenting yourself if you seriously plan to meet someone - an honest description and recent photos... what's the point in selling a false promise only to really annoy that woman when you met her in a pub and she feels completely cheated?
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1660660 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 03:36PM
I have put other on the drop down, and then put salt and pepper in my profile as my hair colour just to show it’s not purple. Not sure what I would put if I was bald. Probably say so.
Finchyprowling - 27 Jun, 2024 - 02:33PM
It's human denial which we all suffer from how many size 6 women just aren't or 50 year olds who are in their 60s or regular gym goers go once a month. It's just flawed human behaviour and insecurity..
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1663516 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 02:09PM
The site isn't brilliant in that respect. My hair is brown / grey, (I've been described as 'silver fox' which I actually kinda like!), but there's no option for that. It's always better to look at the pictures and not pay too much attention to the description in any case.
ClassyLady77 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 01:46PM
I have a thing for bald men.. No need to lie to me… 😉
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Enigma.. - 27 Jun, 2024 - 01:41PM
Ps…. Just to clarify.
Go onto your own personal profile not mine lol.
Personal information.
Hair colour and the bald option is there.
You’re welcome 😉.
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Enigma.. - 27 Jun, 2024 - 01:27PM
Yes there is an option for bald. Go onto My Profile. Personal information. Hair colour and the bald option is there.
UKMale470 - 27 Jun, 2024 - 12:31PM
Why woukd someone lie about hair, bit ironic, if you have not got hair, you have not got it!!
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