Which chats do you prefer?
Do you prefer chats which are short and banter- like in nature, deep descriptive and intellectual, purely sexual or general boring chit chat about their boring day?
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Comments (99)
SecretSt - 16 May, 2023 - 11:30AM
The most enjoyable chat that I have experienced (not on IE and which continued for hours over a number of days) occurred because the lady politely stopped me when I overstepped the mark and wrote something that she did not agree with or that was just too rude (sexually).
She had understood that we are all rather in the dark when lines of communication are restricted to text alone and gave me a break when necessary. All I had to do was lock my ego away and apologise and then we were good to go again.
It was all great fun and we quickly built mutual respect and it lead to a very pleasant meeting, although sadly nothing more.
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MrUnfunny - 16 May, 2023 - 10:51AM
Descriptive and intellectual sometimes but banter has its place too
Enigma.. - 16 May, 2023 - 07:07AM
I usually find the best and most interesting first messages often come from male members south of the border.
Unfortunately it always ends the same way.
Me having to apologise and point out that they are not within reasonable travelling distance and that I’m not looking for a pen pal… (Sighs).
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1494077 - 15 May, 2023 - 07:14PM
Sandypops - 15 May, 2023 - 01:07PM
There is definitely a lot in your profile that can be referenced to in the first message. If they don’t, then it’s a no-brainer for a no.
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1529050 - 15 May, 2023 - 01:20PM
Sandypops - 15 May, 2023 - 01:07PM
I agree about referencing your profile ! You then actually know they are not doing a cut and paste approach
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Sandypops - 15 May, 2023 - 01:07PM
I'm reading this as chatting, after the first message but I can see that a lot of you are referring to the first message.
When it's a first message it has to grab my attention and have some reference to my profile so I know they actually want to message me. Maybe something funny, or genuinely nice, showing me something about their character.
And I'll always reply, ghosting is so rude.
With regards to general chatting, for me I like the chat to just be natural and chat about whatever we feel like. We'll either click or we won't.
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1408586 - 15 May, 2023 - 08:45AM
I agree Sally- I actually prefer a quick hello message, than a copy and paste to everyone. I always ignore those!
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bad_sally - 15 May, 2023 - 07:43AM
Big thing for me is chats need to start off with something related to my profile. A generic message that has clearly been sent to everyone will be ignored
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1598020 - 12 May, 2023 - 10:08PM
Revision notes
1. Sprinkles of innuendo
2. Don’t fight against the tide
3. Following the flow = winner winner chicken dinner
Honestly I really should have gotten into this social media malarkey by now. Obliged x
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Paula99 - 12 May, 2023 - 04:41PM
Chat can be constructive with a little innuendo and it should flow …not forced .
If the chat is easy then chances are your into a winner😊
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