I would do anything for .....
.... but I won't do that ......
What would you do with your IE and where would you draw the line? Has you
IE talked you into doing something outside your comfort zone and you have
enjoyed it, or do you out and out say no to certain things. I know where I
most certainly draw that line.
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Comments (60)
Bobby224 - 08 Jul, 2023 - 03:07PM
The acts I think you are describing at the end of the day is very natural! We all do it or have done but yes it’s very private. Fair play to you for sharing! Something sp personal is very erotic and exciting for the person you are sharing with and sometimes it’s definitely worth staying from the norm!
1408586 - 08 Jul, 2023 - 01:40PM
I once got invited to London
Now that is outside of my comfort zone!!!
I didn’t go 😂
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Toffee.macchiato4 - 08 Jul, 2023 - 01:27PM
Ok so my previous ie begged me to perform in front of him some err acts on myself that were previously assumed by me to be a very personal private indulgence. Boy am I glad I did. His appreciation was visceral and the whole experience very erotic.
So yes I have lines but somethings I could be persuaded to explore . 🙂
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Somniata - 05 Jul, 2023 - 07:36PM
I am very firm about what I like and don't like! I would rarely cross the line. I don't feel there's any reason to be pressured into doing anything one doesn't like.
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1608792 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:47PM
Is 12 times at 30 seconds each better than 6 minutes long haul?
1604745 - 03 Jul, 2023 - 04:16PM
Toys are fun but the last IE i spoke to wanted to experiment with stationary...
...Cuffs, blindfolds, vibes are fine but i drew the line at rulers.
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Paula99 - 01 Jul, 2023 - 08:07AM
Damien Thorn ..lol.
12 times ..is it possible 😬
Unless you are a John Holmes
DamiantheOmenOne - 30 Jun, 2023 - 10:26PM
After the twelfth time, does the woman roll over and say, that was magic?
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