* Strike a pose *
Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and what do you find attractive in a person’s facial features?
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Comments (80)
1529050 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 11:42AM
Paula99 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 09:12AM
Definitely agree how much can get misconstrued over text... Even a short VN is better than a text at times.
For me until you meet in person it is hard to judge. I met one guy, we were getting on like a house on fire on messages and we exchanged photos, he was lovely but I was not 100 % sure if he was my type, but as we had got on so well, I took the plunge and met him and it was the best thing I did, instant attraction on both sides, year long affair, you can only tell so much from that first photo.
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Paula99 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 09:12AM
Texting can be misunderstood even when you add the emoji..there is nothing like facial expressions and twinkly eyes and people talk with their hands ..
Pictures give you an ‘idea’ but the rest is up to you and it’s about how you approach the person ..if the conversation flows and all of a sudden you get a tweek on your thigh or an arm casually around you…but first meets are intimidating and people are shy because they have spent their time behind a keyboard…and unfortunately we can do bravado behind the laptop but to be yourself is extremely difficult ..the bottom line is we want someone who is trying not to be something else 😁
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1604430 - 18 Jul, 2023 - 07:45AM
There has to be both a physical and mental connection but getting conversation to flow can be tricky via text.
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1494077 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 10:46PM
Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 10:19PM
Not pushy. The right actions to take. No point wasting time meeting someone who isn’t who they say they are.
Funguy77 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 10:19PM
Why wait just get it done . Move on to face time to verify authenticity. Yes / No or do I come over weird or pushy?
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1595110 - 17 Jul, 2023 - 07:20PM
When I was previously paid up I had reasonable success but would seek early exchange of passwords.
It's all about attraction right ? (both physical and mental).
I got on famously with some but upon meeting it was clear the photos were of some age and others were hotter irl. So that's a waste of everyone's time.
An early exchange of photos allows checks to be done. There are soooo many fake profiles. Even one now on the Manchester area is quite clearly fake. They have left the second photo unblurred and a simple reverse Google image search shows her to be producing a stock photo. That's just so transparent, it's check your potential ie basic "101" 😉
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1494077 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 10:28PM
ariadka - 13 Jul, 2023 - 09:42AM
I’d agree in so far as a strong connection is vital to keeping things going, but you still have to look into a person’s eyes and think ‘you are so beautiful I could look at you all day’. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder of course 😊
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1610286 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 09:42AM
I do not think physical attraction should be the only criteria. In fact it should be at the end of ones wish list. A connection between likeminded people is more important. The key is to keep company with people who uplift you, whose presence brings out the best in you.
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1610286 - 13 Jul, 2023 - 09:31AM
Physical attraction is a spectrum, like everything else in life. Everything is temporary in life including our looks. Bottom line is we are all different, our perceptions, our views/opinions, our choices etc. I do not go by looks all the time. A face says a thousand things, I find a person's eyes capture their essence and is most attractive in my opinion.
Regarding exchanging passwords/contact details, I haven't had any luck whatsoever. So no comments.
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Enigma.. - 13 Jul, 2023 - 07:01AM
Take heed of what TheBoredHousewife typed because I agree with her.
Some advice…. Before reading below plant your tongue firmly in your cheek.
Your comments here on the thread are doing you no favours.
You are coming across as rather desperate. Very off putting.
If you are after a quick shag try another site. A lot of females on this site are after more than “a meet”.
Get rid of the auto generated profile. Once again very off putting.
Good luck 🍀
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