Distance & Meets
Does travelling long distances enhance/suppress an affair?
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Comments (175)
1614245 - 30 Jul, 2023 - 01:49PM
Is there any woman willing to travel to the midland area to help a young man out 😂
Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2023 - 02:10PM
I’m extending my areas, geographically wise😏.
You in the corner, yes you, calm down.
I’m thinking…. David Attenborough wise too… geographically wise lol 😃😉😏, of delving into deepest, darkest, Lanarkshire.
Who know’s what I shall come across or even meet 🤔😉.
For those in England… google 😂😉😝.
If you do not hear from me soon dear friends…. Farewell.
This should be interesting..
And yes… I was joking.
Or was I…lol 😂🤔❤️😏
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1408586 - 28 Jul, 2023 - 10:31AM
😂😂😂 Enigma
Enigma.. - 28 Jul, 2023 - 08:26AM
Sandy & Becky…
I had an offer from a male, a couple of days ago, to meet halfway.
His halfway was Somerset 🙄😂 🤷🏼♀️.
Sure I replied… I’ll be with you in about 8.5 hours 😂.
What a total (insert a few appropriate words)…
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1408586 - 27 Jul, 2023 - 09:14PM
I imagine they can’t believe their luck Sandypops!!
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Sandypops - 27 Jul, 2023 - 07:58PM
I love a road trip. And I have lots of flexibility daytime to drive to meet. It seems daft that if I'm meeting someone whilst they're working from home and only have a couple of hours available, they spend some of that time travelling. I'd much rather travel and get more time with them 😊 but men always seem surprised by this.
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1408586 - 26 Jul, 2023 - 04:37PM
NP Dotty 😂
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