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It is all going well until……

They come up with stories that are simply too good to be true. What are some of the most outlandish tales that we have been told, either to get us to agree to a meet, or as an excuse to part ways?

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Comments (175)

1447655 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 12:33PM

Save me from the "my wife is very fragile/sick/insane/scarey" b.s!!!! We actually don't need to know about your wives at all, or the long long list of drama and tragedy.

Either you're in or you're out. We all know the rules of the game so either you're man enough to play - or get off the pot.

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laugar164 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 12:04PM

Ghosting can't stand it if a person ghosted you they not worth it. It only takes a few seconds to send a message saying sorry it's not working or it's not for me

Entering in to an affair is not for the light hearted or to be done on a whim there a lot more to it if you are to both get the. Enjoyment you want

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Paula99 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 11:48AM


So true …but they give up their lovers thinking that will solve their ‘must be a better husband/wife’ syndrome but they end up kicking themselves …😂

When the going gets tough they throw everything good out in their lives 😕

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Smartypants65 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 11:43AM

She was once a member of the horsemen of the apocalypse but she fell off

1529050 - 14 Jul, 2023 - 11:29AM

To part ways it’s always …. I need to be a better husband or wife has issues I need to concentrate at home …. Then a year or month later they’re back 🤷🏻‍♀️

Or let’s not forget the best one of all 👻👻👻👻👻👻

For a meet I don’t think I’ve had anyone make an outlandish request

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