You say it best when you say ……
Nothing at all for some. For others, words make or break the loving feeling. What are some of the things that our lovers say that turns us on / off?
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Comments (76)
1447655 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 06:50PM
Sandypops...why don't you want to disappoint anyone?! Its part of life and "no" can be delivered very reasonably if not quite nicely. Plus, how someone takes disappointment can tell you an awful lot about them. 'No' is an exciting risk - see what they will do. Will it be a toddler style meltdown (amusing if annoying) a drama lama 'flounce' (tiresome) or will they 'adult it' like a boss, come back to you on top form and totally impress you?!
Imagine they are naughty little ponies, Sandy, and practice the 'no'....delaying and denying makes those apples all the sweeter, should you decide to give them.
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28636 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 03:19PM
What a load of sentimental tripe
Wise up and get with the moment
It’s 2023
Mills and Boon is just soooo past it
What next
Pen Pal dating
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1529050 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 02:47PM
Sandypops - 19 Aug, 2023 - 11:06PM
Stop being a people pleaser and be a YOU pleaser ….
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Funguy77 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 01:31PM
I feel for you sandypops xx
You know this forum tells you more about the people on here than most of there profile’s. All you lovely ladies who are posting have wonderful personality any I wish I lived closer to you all 😀 xx
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1408586 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 07:41AM
Just my experience Sandypops but it’s very difficult to feel enthusiastic about any man when you’re still lusting and pining after someone else… I’d just meet as many as possible until you feel flutters again. But it may take a while (so have fun during the process!)
To the OP I find the right words murmured at the right time in the right way can send electricity through me (in a good way 😂). So so powerful ⚡️
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1494077 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 06:56AM
Sandypops - 19 Aug, 2023 - 11:06PM
It’s always painful when we come to the end of something that took our breath away. The heart pangs will in time give way to simply memories, and very good ones from the sounds of things. This IE malarkey has to be two-way though, and as much as you enjoyed him, there are now newer potentials on the horizon. Hopefully more suited to what you are looking for and need!
If either of these new men read the forum, they will know where you’re at with meets. I would personally meet both, then decide. Unless as you say, there is one very clear front runner and the others leave you cold.
Good luck with your meets - great to learn that there is good interest. Your womanly sense will tell you if someone fits what you are looking for. Please him, but only if it gives you pleasure to do so. 😊
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Paula99 - 20 Aug, 2023 - 06:29AM
If you’re trying to please everyone you won’t get anywhere…. you will learn over time to weed out the idiots ..Be clear on what you want …pen pal/ sext / long term/ short term …go on coffee dates …sound people out..don’t worry about how many you are chatting to because chances are they are stacking you up ..go with your gut feelings …it works for me 😁
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Sandypops - 19 Aug, 2023 - 11:06PM
My dilemma now is that I'm chatting to quite a few and they want to meet me and I don't want to disappoint anyone if they want to take things further. How do you know if a man you meet is the right one, or the next person you were going to meet would be the right one? Or do you meet them all and then decide unless the initial chemistry is overwhelming with one?
I'm definitely a 'people pleaser' as opposed to being tough and doing just what pleases me 🤦🏻♀️ so I'm feeling nervous.
I don't want to play games with anyone's feelings or anyone to perceive I'm playing games, as I'm not.
Sandypops - 19 Aug, 2023 - 11:01PM
Thanks for thinking of me 😘
I went and met him Friday, to talk. It was lovely to see him and we did more than we should have 🤦🏻♀️ but I'm ok-ish. I just needed to be held and kissed that 'one last time' (we didn't have sex) it was emotional but we also laughed and it felt so normal, as usual. Felt like a bit of a closure though it's still so painful thinking of him 😭
So I've decided to 'get back on the horse' (I own a riding school and am an instructor) and see what happens.
have some meets lined up (tomorrow and Monday) so I'm just going to see how I feel. The guy tomorrow has the same name 🤦🏻♀️
I'm learning as I go.
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