How do you keep your meets fun?
Where has you IE suggested for your meets? What is normal .. a hotel room..
air bnb... a hidden corner of a wood or the back of a car..? What do you
think is acceptable and what would you avoid? My normal is a nice dayuse
hotel for a day/afternoon locked away for some hidden fun, but recently was
taken on an amazing voyage, so to speak. How do you and your IE keep your
meetings fun and exciting?
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Comments (98)
Iamnotkevin - 19 Sep, 2023 - 12:13PM
During summer any secluded spot outdoors always adds excitement if your partner is on board with the idea.
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Enigma.. - 19 Sep, 2023 - 11:47AM
Actually meeting someone on this site would be a bloomin miracle.
London boom town.
Good luck ☹️
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1588157 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 10:36PM
Well if it was the 1970s and on the Coop car park on Rochdale its got to be worth a couple of pages of blue stamps.
I dont lnow what is worst though the taste of fish or the taste of the glue on the stamps.
P911 mackeral
1588157 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 10:31PM
Muffin? .....then nip in for a pint of milk for a cuppa when you got home.
P911 creampie
Naughty in NW - 18 Sep, 2023 - 07:45PM
I can only guess where you (or your date) swiped your store loyalty card, as it clearly wasn't a contactless transaction.....😁
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Paula99 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 06:21PM
I have done it with my regular IE in Morrisons car park before they installed the cameras…but it was in the winter months…the car park was relatively empty and I was working nights….😉
Not sure I would be doing much in the daylight hours and most car parks are monitored now 😂
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1588157 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 05:42PM
Was there a buy one get one free offer on that week. Every little helps!
Such a classy are a superstore.....sorry superstar
P911 loyalty scheme
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Anton555 - 18 Sep, 2023 - 04:59PM
You have to do your homework, read and ask where he or she would accept their meets but the first meet is going to be the one to get right. I have meet with a lady and she was quite open to have oral and more in the back of my car in a supermarket car park but is not every ones choice but it has that added excitement to it not to be caught and at my age its great to feel 18 again
JayneJones - 18 Sep, 2023 - 02:42PM
Db360k I think that would be a really popular idea with regular couples and IE ones alike. This could be a great business model x
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