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Caught out by Ring!?!?

Anyone got one of these doorbells? Be warned as it's just put an end to my mates marriage. A mystery bloke turned up on the front door and turns out his missus was playing away. Its got quite ugly and can't believe how stupid she was to do it on her own doorstep. I searched about it online and looks like others have been caught in act. Anyone else know anyone it's happened to? ring should be banned LOL.

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Comments (81)

1494077 - 29 Oct, 2023 - 01:53PM

Enigma.. - 29 Oct, 2023 - 01:33PM

There is something for everyone.
Iโ€™m not averse to a bit of rough and ready, but if that is all they can offer or how they want their IE journey to pan out, it wonโ€™t be for me ๐Ÿ˜‹

Enigma.. - 29 Oct, 2023 - 01:33PM


Thatโ€™s clearly desperately desperate lol ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚.

And yetโ€ฆ some people on these threadโ€™s apparently have done soโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚

My lips are sealed ๐Ÿ’‹.

So far ๐Ÿ˜‰

1494077 - 27 Oct, 2023 - 12:33PM

Pamela41 - 27 Oct, 2023 - 12:12AM

Some non-affording people might go one step further and have sex in the back of a van or in a pub toilet stall, if you ask them nicely! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

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1629944 - 27 Oct, 2023 - 12:12AM

Well, she is so stupid to bring a man home with a video doorbell on!!! For fuck sake, go and have sex in a car if you can't afford a hotel!

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boav91 - 26 Oct, 2023 - 07:22AM

CCTV is far more prevalent and because these days police may not even look into a crime ( what a friend was told when her car was stolen) if there is no video evidence we have ring by the front door, back door and also overlooking the cars,. Even if I wanted to , which I don't for many of the reasons said below, no partying at my house then.

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mipaulac - 26 Oct, 2023 - 12:56AM

FluffyClouds - 25 Oct, 2023 - 11:41PM
A minor RTA, which with so much else now days the Police didn't want to bother with.
I asked on the elderly man's behalf because the motorcycle rider didn't give his insurance details or reg number.

FluffyClouds - 25 Oct, 2023 - 11:41PM

Mipaulac -

'Civil insurance matter'?

Bizarre. What's it got to do with your insurance company, unless you had a conviction? How would the car insurance even know unless there was a conviction which you're obliged to declare?

Bust up in hotel now. Like you've said 'her defence'. If she was afraid for her life, call the Police...CCTV required. Potential crime.

Either way, this debate started with being caught on CCTV having an affair. Cameras everywhere nowadays. If you're spouse suspects you, you're already giving something away in your actions and behaviour. If it worried you so much, don't have an affair.

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mipaulac - 25 Oct, 2023 - 10:19PM

It was deemed a "civil" insurance matter.
Usually any excuse will suffice because why should anyone have anything to hide in a public place !!!

Legs&Eyes - 25 Oct, 2023 - 10:10PM

Well this is all becoming highly educational tonight....

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mipaulac - 25 Oct, 2023 - 10:00PM

FluffyClouds - 25 Oct, 2023 - 09:19PM
He was accused of been drunk in charge of a motor vehicle which he was sleeping in with the keys in the ignition. He proved with hotel cctv, he hadn't been on the public highway that night. This was about 15 years ago. An ex girlfriend got done in the same situation last year, after having a bust up with a new boyfriend in a hotel they had been staying at. She was obviously pretty gutted when I told he this after her defence of fearing for her safety wasn't accepted and they banned her. I'm mearly saying if a spouse has suspicion it's easy to get caught out using day hotels and that risk is doubled if your both attached.
If you're a serial cheat you need to fully accept the consequences and shouldn't be staying in the relationship because your luck will run out.

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