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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' or so they say. Does anyone else find that a lot of profiles that claim they are attractive, actually aren't?

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Comments (65)

1447655 - 24 Oct, 2023 - 07:34PM

I don't think being physically 'attractive' is particularly subjective. I think we all know what is attractive or not. It's pretty standard cultural parameters. Within that there are personal nuances that we are more drawn to, but I think if there was a pile of pictures to be categorised 'attractive' or 'non-attractive' the majority of people would categorise them the same.

However, being an 'attractive person' could be more than looks. That could be charm, charisma and how someone makes you feel special.

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1010337 - 24 Oct, 2023 - 07:19PM

Anyone who claims on their profile to be attractive immediately becomes unattractive to me.

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Paula99 - 24 Oct, 2023 - 04:04PM

Dotty …

Always grounded and sound advice 😁

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1529050 - 24 Oct, 2023 - 02:13PM

I think I would be slightly wary of any profile which stated how attractive they are ....

As has been said below, one person might find me sexy and gorgeous and another might see a right minger! We are not everyone's cup of tea. I think a you are lovely but sadly not my type is a way to go forward. Just accept it and move on, you can't make someone fancy you just because you fancy them. For me when I am looking my profile is fairly brief and normally just one photo - I prefer to make the connection over initial chats then and early meet to see if there is a spark.

I think being realistic helps, and not every conversation/message on here will end up in an affair.

O and just because one person is not attracted to you that does not make you unattractive never forget that!!

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Purple dreamer - 24 Oct, 2023 - 01:49PM

Looks are only skin deep

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FluffyClouds - 24 Oct, 2023 - 11:02AM

Mister.E.Mann -

"I guess I got a lucky escape from a seriously shallow person... 🤷‍♂️"

Because you chatted and they weren't attracted to you at all on PW swap makes them a shallow person? How? Unless they're a hard core Sapiosexual who is more aroused by words than looks, I think you'll find more of that happening somewhere along the line. It's an illicit dating site. Not everyone will be attracted to you. Take it on the chin and move on.

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ExoticOrchid - 24 Oct, 2023 - 10:44AM

I agree men are just as bad ... in fact I'd go as far as saying they can be worse as they are very visual.

The same set of photos can elicit two completely opposite reactions. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Enigma.. - 24 Oct, 2023 - 06:43AM

Very recently I was messaging a male from Glasgow.
It got as far as exchanging photos.
I liked him but I was obviously not his “type”.
He said nothing about my photo. Nothing positive but nothing negative either.
I was hoping there would be some sort of feedback.
He simply changed the subject.
I got the impression that I wasn’t his type and he was continuing messaging me because something was better than nothing and he was just going to keep messaging until someone more his taste came along.
We stopped messaging the following day.
Personally, for me, it wouldn’t have worked out anyway due to his lack of ability and timings 🙄🥱🤷🏼‍♀️👋🏻.

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Legs&Eyes - 24 Oct, 2023 - 06:34AM

@MisterMann, @StuartB

Just to add balance before the guys think this is one sided, it happens from guys a lot too!!

2 weeks ago I was having a lovely full conversation with someone over 2 or 3 days, and then we swapped passwords…..

His response,

‘Take care and good luck’ 🤷🏻‍♀️

And it stings, but it’s normal…
Dating sites of all types rely on likes and rejections. So you pick yourself up, and try again. And you think no more of it. Anyone you haven’t met in real life is just a virtual voice until you meet them.

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Sandypops - 24 Oct, 2023 - 02:57AM

What is attractive? Attractive to one is not attractive to another. I've been told I'm attractive, with lovely eyes and smile, but I'd never say that about myself. That is only that persons opinion. Equally I've not been another's 'cup of tea.' Obviously they must be weird 😂
How boring would life be if only one type of man and one type of woman was attractive. There'd be a lot of us left unfulfilled and in desperate need of intimacy, sitting on the 'unattractive' bench, bored to death.
I find a lot of different looks to be attractive to me and it's definitely the personality that is the deciding factor. However there are some physical attributes I find unattractive and can't ignore as there are some personality traits I don't find attractive, but these are how I feel and won't necessarily be thought of in the same way by another.

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