AI has ruined my life!!
Who is reading about this AI thing in the news? It's already ruined my life I caught my husband with a bloody virtual lover. YES THEY DO EXIST!!!!! I'm still livid and feel so hurt. I chucked him out immediately, I don't care if it's real or not the intention to cheat was there. Makes me feel sick. Anyone else know anyone that's been through the same thing? I can't decide whether it is over for good or not.helppp!
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Comments (42)
1588157 - 05 Nov, 2023 - 12:51AM
Do you fancy a trip to Lidl?
I cud take you up the middle aisle.
I may not get a shag but at least i can buy a Mig welder as a consolation.
P911 oxy acetylene
Life is a beach - 04 Nov, 2023 - 11:25PM
Strange that you have posted this comment on IE where people have joined because they want something else?
If you are here for advice which I find hard to believe, I would say, talk to him.
Why would you chuck him out without hearing him and finding out what drove him to it.
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1010337 - 04 Nov, 2023 - 11:17PM
Seeking more - 04 Nov, 2023 - 08:25PM
Fortunately I'm still of the age where I can projectile ejaculate, a usb socket is admittedly a small target, but this is where my years of aiming at ladies eyeballs starts to pay off.
Seeking more - 04 Nov, 2023 - 08:25PM
Your nob fits in a USB port? How concerning........🤣
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1010337 - 04 Nov, 2023 - 08:09PM
You can't cum in a usb port, but if you try make sure you've got comprehensive contents insurance, I learned the hard way. For this reason alone I'll stick to fannies.
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Paula99 - 04 Nov, 2023 - 05:40PM
Looks like IE are not printing the posts for fear of offending the boys …🙄
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Naughty in NW - 04 Nov, 2023 - 05:22PM
Son Of Loki
Wow, you clearly feel very strongly about this. I agree that AI is here to stay, whatever us mere mortals think of it. I would still argue/hope that I can offer things a bot would struggle with. 😂
I would also argue that 'escalated expectations' very much applies to men too! For example, the amount of guys around my age on here who have a preferred age range starting at 21 baffles me. Young enough to be their daughter. None of us are perfect on here. In my view perfection is boring. But please don't make out (lol) that only women have unrealistic expectations.
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Son Of Loki - 04 Nov, 2023 - 04:13PM
AI has been of great interest for me for years. The big issue his the huge numbers who are losing their jobs to AI.
Research by some investment banks shows firms are planning / engaged in large layoffs, IBM among them.
Graphic artists are really struggling now that AI can produce quality images with ease.
AI doesn’t whinge or moan or obsess about rights and woke policy, it just works and costs a fraction of a purple haired nose ringed woke disruptive narcissist worker.
The safest jobs include the trades.
The most at risk are data processing/ number crunching / administrative/ call centre roles / scientists etc.
Son Of Loki - 04 Nov, 2023 - 04:08PM
There’s loads of chat in the Mansphere about AI replacing women, and Only Fans.
A lot of men are tapping-out of trying to find a woman as online dating has escalated female expectations way out of the stratosphere.
Bumble research revealed only 10% of female users had the hight filter set to include men of 5 ft 8 or less.
Most set it to 186cm +.
Given only a minority of available men are 6ft + , that shows how difficult it is for many men to even get noticed let alone laid.
AI fantasy sex chat will be a vast market going forward. Some dudes are already paying a dollar a day for access
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Paula99 - 04 Nov, 2023 - 03:14PM
The answer is there has to be a solution …but there isn’t always an answer so some things are best left as they are ..😁
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