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Young enough to be my children!

Being on this site has opened my eyes to a younger man. I cam on here to have an affair with a similar aged man, but soon found myself tempted by younger men. Is that wrong?

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Comments (41)

Purple dreamer - 14 Nov, 2023 - 08:27AM

No I do not think it is wrong It should be what makes you happy if it feel right and there is a connection then it is likely to be good no matter of the age

Enigma.. - 14 Nov, 2023 - 06:42AM


I must have missed that post 😂

boav91 - 14 Nov, 2023 - 05:27AM

You only live once so if that works for you and it is consensual have fun

1588157 - 13 Nov, 2023 - 11:50PM

We are not here to Judge.........on an adultery site?

You only need to read some of the posts to see the amount of judging going on.

Im being judged as you read this post...is he right ...is he wrong...do i agree or disagree with him.......is he stark raving mad.......is he a cross dresser (read my Rocky Horror post about meeting Enigma in full drag).

Judge away... vive la differance.

P911 Guilty m" lad

ExoticOrchid - 13 Nov, 2023 - 09:19PM

NiNW - 08:06PM

Massive ego boost ... 🐓

Naughty in NW - 13 Nov, 2023 - 08:06PM


Good for you if that's what you're looking for. Let's face it, none of us are here to judge. Glass houses and all that.....,.!

However, your comment kinda suggests that the young age of your IE"s have given you more of an ego boost than the actual relational depth of your relationships?

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Adventurer84 - 13 Nov, 2023 - 07:37PM

If you are both enjoying yourselves then crack on!

mogordon - 13 Nov, 2023 - 07:30PM

And I re-discovered younger women! Half have been a decade younger, one a three years ago in her mid-twenties. And I was 48…

Enigma.. - 13 Nov, 2023 - 07:18AM

The only option that I have available, male membership wise, on the site, for the moment, is a 34 year old from a town further up the Ayrshire coastline 🤔😉😂🤷🏼‍♀️.
Hmmmmm… decisions, decisions 😉.

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BF00 - 12 Nov, 2023 - 11:37AM

It's not, but personally I could never go with anyone in their 20's due to my son's age...I look very young for my age...but still no.

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