21st century dating
In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important role in deciding if he/she could be your possible IE partner?
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Comments (56)
Somniata - 15 Nov, 2023 - 12:01AM
I am not sure what relevance being in the 21st century has! People who are open to matching up with someone whose values, interests and personality appeals to them have always existed. Actually I worry that nowadays you have people who think dating outside their race, culture, etc is cool and trendy instead of basing their choice on whether they genuinely like the particular individual in question! I personally have no time for guys who gush about liking "ethnic" women! 😏
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Where'smySpark - 14 Nov, 2023 - 09:40PM
To me all of these traits bare no problem in finding an IE. I have dated an Indian lady before who was very lovely. I would very happliy date someone with a different ethnic background to me. I enjoy learning about other cultures and would find long chats over a nice glass of wine about our backgrounds fascinating and a great foundation on which to build an IE relationship. The only thing that would affect a choice of IE would be attitude. If we don't click then it won't work and has the potential to become toxic.
bobloblaw10 - 14 Nov, 2023 - 09:22PM
I'd be put off by someone saying they have racial preferences in their profile, tbh.
boav91 - 14 Nov, 2023 - 07:37PM
It should not matter but for some it apparently does. Early days with some people I was getting on well chatting with people but then we shared pics it was oh but I don't date guys who are not white. Ok that is fine but if we get on and you have said I look ok then let's see what happens but no.
I have had just as much though where it all did not matter as it should not.
mogordon - 14 Nov, 2023 - 06:24PM
Dated a married Indian lady and the experience was hugely erotic because her culture tends not to be as permissive as here in the west. It was breaking all kinds of rules so hugely exciting.
Mad World - 14 Nov, 2023 - 05:50PM
I might have to ask Alexa or ChatGPT about this one.
Now here is a thought provoking thread …
marklondonengland - 14 Nov, 2023 - 05:48PM
I don't think this is an issue at all for me and I find it off-putting to see women saying 'white males only' on their profile. I am a white man, but when I see that it gives me an impression of who you are. It's easy to say 'this is my personal preference', but essentially you are still saying that you have a preference over the race of your partner and this is a problem that sadly still exists today.
There are also some people who will deliberately seek out someone from a different race because they want a "more exotic" lover - in all these cases it is problematic to judge anyone by their ethnicity. A white man only looking for Asian women is just as guilty of a racial preference as the white woman who says white men only on her profile.
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Fread! - 14 Nov, 2023 - 05:26PM
I think so.
We all have preferences when it comes to looks and put a great emphasis on the right ‘chemistry’ based on that.
I personally have a foible for dark skinned girls, so will always give a profile indicating this a closer look, but won’t use it as my single selection criteria.
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Paula99 - 14 Nov, 2023 - 04:23PM
I have dated mixed race guys before I got married …so it doesn’t matter if he’s purple with pink spots … it depend on the guy …I do draw the line about Quasi Modo…😂😂😂
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1631485 - 14 Nov, 2023 - 04:14PM
Not in the slightest.
But what I would add here is that 'location' does affect this as I'm in the SW where ethnic diversity seems to have bypassed us to a degree!!
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