Hot or not?
Right, debate time! Is Nigel Farage now the hottest man on TV? Has he grown on you since his naked bath time escapades on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here?Is he hot for a bloke going on almost 60 and the type you'd look for in a partner?
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Comments (59)
ExoticOrchid - 27 Nov, 2023 - 09:40PM
Absolutely do not fancy him BUTT (😉) not bad for a man his age ... not from his school of thought but I have to say his de-banking was totally wrong and outcof order.
Agree with RougeSunrise.
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UnAllerSimple - 27 Nov, 2023 - 08:08PM
Nigel Farage is the least fanciable man in the UK
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1409145 - 27 Nov, 2023 - 07:39PM
Have you seen his French girlfriend. Very chiq.
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FluffyClouds - 27 Nov, 2023 - 07:23PM
He looks about the same age as some men on here claiming to be 45 🤔
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1597404 - 27 Nov, 2023 - 07:13PM
I cannot stand the guy. Ultimate gammon.
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Mad World - 27 Nov, 2023 - 06:37PM
The bigger question is
‘Who are the B,C and D listers on it?’
Watched it for two days and Pebble Mill at One would be just as good.
1586700 - 27 Nov, 2023 - 06:22PM
Not my type not being female, but guess he has independence of mind, whether you agree or disagree. Taken a lot of crap and come through the other side. For smoker he could look worse at his age also .. but I'll let the female cohort judge this one.
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Son Of Loki - 27 Nov, 2023 - 04:14PM
He’s a top hero who single handedly altered the course of history. Brexit was s merely greater autonomy, it’s up to us how we deal with that greater independence
It was never about a laundry list In the way Remainers frame things, ie not about a menu of bean counted metrics, it was a great big leap into a new world of possibilities
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