IE First timer
Hi - this is my first time joining IE and would love to hear any advice on how to start chats?
I think we are agreed as to why most people have joined but do women prefer guys to be direct and to the point and is a polite, considered message the way forward?
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Comments (51)
FelixScarr - 22 Dec, 2023 - 08:31AM
New here but hopeful for the exciting times ahead. Come and say hi.
Hotrod1973 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:21PM
Hi there all.I am a 'Flirt Forum' virgin. Anyone tell me what I need to know???
1494077 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:08PM
If the woman has taken the time to write a profile, then it would be nice if she knows you have taken the time to read it. Unless her profile is overtly sexual, I’d like to think that a polite first message almost always trumps a direct one. We all know why we’re here 😏
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Kwgt14 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 05:34PM
I send a message mentioning location, sinilarities in what rhey and i are seeking, make sure age range fits ans suggect chatting to see if we're on same page etc.
I then judge how the conversations flows after that
Pleasured121 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 04:10PM
I'd be careful .not everyone is who they say they are
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1639646 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 01:14PM
I'm certainly no expert but refraining from claiming how you'll be the best lover they've ever had and that after you they'll be ruined for any other man! :-)
Taking time to read their profile and respond to that shows you've taken time to consider your message. Humour, polite and respectful messages probably are the best ice breaker.
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marklondonengland - 21 Dec, 2023 - 12:28PM
I think the most important thing with a first message is to show that there is a reason why you are messaging. Be friendly and explain what is was in their profile that drew your attention. Make it clear that you did actually read their profile and you find the person interesting because of XYZ... messaging "Hi, how are you?" over and over again like a machine gun is unlikely to get you anywhere... Of course sex and passion is one of the main reasons everyone is here, but you don't get to great sex if you don't even feel like you want to meet the person so forget about sex in initial messages and just focus on finding someone that is interesting to connect with - the excitement will grow from there if you really like messaging each other!
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FluffyClouds - 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:24AM
Whatever you do, just read the ladies profile and at least use something in that to comment on in your initial message. And yes a 'Hey, how are you?', just isn't really trying. I mean, why bother if that's the best you can come up with?
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laugar164 - 21 Dec, 2023 - 10:07AM
Just be yourself putting on a front or a persona will only backfire on yourself be pleasant polite and let the conversation flow at the lady's pace nothing worse than going at it like a bull in a china shop
Just my thoughts
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Son Of Loki - 21 Dec, 2023 - 09:20AM
Women are all different. Some expect gentlemanly introductions, others hate small talk and want a first message to fire her tingles, others prize wit and depth.
One thing they all seem united on is ‘hey how are you’ / ‘what brings u here’ seem a tad dull.
You will find it hard to plough through profiles to conjour a a thoughtful reply only to get silence.
In terms of profile, my instinct is you shouldn’t sound averaged and beige as this is likley what they have at home.
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