Enough is enough
I'm at the end of my tether with my useless husband so have signed up to IE today. He totally forgot Valentine's Day (for the 3rd year in a row!!) It's the final straw, any advice on how to have the perfect IE?
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Comments (36)
1642299 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 07:05PM
Even though I'm on here I still bought my partner a valentines gift so that's really disappointing.
On here Is so hit and miss so it's a search and keep trying, I wouldn't always go by a profile ask questions lots of them
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Paula99 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 07:04PM
There is no perfect IE and if you are looking for perfection then you will be searching until the day you die ..
Sighing up to IE on a ‘whim’ isn’t the way to go…sadly
I am sure there are things you have ‘forgotten’ in the past and I dare say your husband didn’t hold it against you…normal married life ..there are more serious things to be concerned about rather than loosing your rag…😁
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1644733 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 06:21PM
Valentines day is marketing shite. Why don't you suggest or agree to spend what you would have wasted on doing something nice together instead. 🤷♂️
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TJJ89_fun - 15 Feb, 2024 - 09:55AM
Agree with some of the below comments. Someone in a similar position, who is also looking for the same thing. Provided there is a spark, which I know is different for everyone, is the most important thing. I think the perfect IE helps you just escape reality for a short time while you’re together xx
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1326897 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 09:27AM
Find someone with a good memory
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Aaron772024 - 15 Feb, 2024 - 12:05AM
I’m following this chat - I’m in the same boat. Looking for someone to feel alive with. I think the perfect IE is someone that knows what you’re risking, and is risking the same.
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1602525 - 14 Feb, 2024 - 10:52PM
Ah Valentine's Day ..... Never bothered with that overrated , tacky nonsense and why should I bother? After all, I'm a red-blooded romantic Welshman and our patron saint of love is St Dwynwen (whose day of love is 25th Jan). Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus folks! x
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1649595 - 14 Feb, 2024 - 09:47PM
Discretion - so important
Honesty - Open on what you want
Flexibility - can you actually find free time
LadyDe - 14 Feb, 2024 - 03:17PM
Finding the PERFECT IE … that takes time and communication or sometimes a few messages in, it can just click for no rhyme nor reason…
Life’s too short to not feel desired or wanted or appreciated.. think hard but then go for it .. be clear on what you want you’re not after another husband type, this should be what you crave, desire and everything that’s missing, or kinks or fantasies to fulfil … sometimes there are just things you wouldn’t want to do with your husband
Mine said a fetish he loves the other day 🤢 and thought thank god he’s got his paramour, trust me I’m far from being a prude but somethings I can now never unhear 🙄😂
marklondonengland - 14 Feb, 2024 - 01:00PM
The perfect IE is different for everyone, but if you are annoyed that your husband is forgetting Valentine's Day then I assume you are looking for someone who wants romance and passion and the excitement of meeting a lover. You can find it here, but you may well run into some guys who think that an IE meeting is all about 60 minutes in a Travelodge as well - so make it clear what you want from a man even if he is not replacing your husband...
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