Advice for my first affair
I’m looking to have an affair to experiment with sex.
I love my husband and we definitely “make love” when we have sex but he’s never been the experimental type. I’m getting on in my age and want to see what else is out there and do something for me. I feel like it’s my last chance. I’ve come to illicitencounters but not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice for me? What should I be looking for and what should I try first?
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Comments (83)
EmnEm123 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 07:57PM
Quality Counts
Only if they want you to try to make them feel as though their actions are "sinful".
As you previously posted.
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1678412 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 07:36PM
Just be yourself .!
1673487 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 12:11PM
Try me first for an experience you will savour for ever ........great advice ( even if it is from me :-)
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RedDress86 - 12 Jun, 2024 - 11:01AM
First and foremost have you tried talking to him. He may be thinking the exact same thing. My husband and i got into a rut and were in the same situation but when we talked and found what we really liked, gloves off, it go a lot more interesting!!!
Oldboy 74 - 09 Jun, 2024 - 08:45PM
There is a big difference between making love and sex. If you try experimenting with something different with someone else you may find that it is exciting but not satisfying.
William658030 - 06 Jun, 2024 - 11:00PM
If you make love you are 70% to where you need to be , I would go back to the basics , as we get older we tend to get complacent and forget how our younger years were , canoodling in the car , that was where the excitement started ,go for a countryside walk picnic when the weathers nice somewhere secluded , I know a lot of us got up to mischief in those situations , as a man I can tell you ,we do get lazy sometimes but unless you work at the basics you will lose what you had , I've been single for 13 years and not had any relationship , I'm here to see if anyone can relight my fire .
1677023 - 04 Jun, 2024 - 04:05PM
That's so interesting. I am here as my wife is so unadventurous and restrained even though she is younger and quite stunning. I have had a varied and exciting life and now it just seems to be ebbing away and that's why I am here too. I need to spice up my life but I have never had an affair so treading cautiously and maybe I find the right partner here or maybe I won't.
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