Staying the night
I have been seeing my IE for a few months now. He travels in to my city for work every few weeks and stays a few days. We often meet for a few hours in the evening but he has asked if I can stay overnight. I really want to but have not done this before. What excuses can I give to spend the night with my IE?
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Comments (44)
boav91 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 11:40PM
I would love an overnight with my IE but whilst I am away for work overnight often she is not. It means we cannot do that. If you do anything that is too much out of the norm it becomes suspicious. Hiding in plain sight is often the best but it does bring limitation to the relationship at time. Ah well c'est la vie. Your guy may want it but if you ant to keep it safe then he will not force it.
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Boomer1514 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 07:44PM
Are these all the excuses you have used in the past.
Seriously.though if I was in the OPs position it would be definite no unless this was a regular occurence for them. And I'm a man!
marklondonengland - 24 Apr, 2024 - 01:35PM
This is a bit of a stupid question because the answer is obvious. If you don't already have any regular reason to be away from home for the night - such as business trips or other commitments - then you have no reason to stay over and therefore there is no "excuse" is there? You can say whatever you want, but it will sound suspicious and may well be checked... no brainer...
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1664537 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 01:02PM
Overnight sounds too risky unless you are away from home overnight on a regular basis for work. I probably wouldn't take the risk, doing something completely out of character and then being found out.
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1408586 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 01:00PM
Wise words below
I also suspect he wouldn’t risk a stay over night in your circumstances… so don’t let him pressure you
Enigma.. - 24 Apr, 2024 - 12:57PM
If you haven’t done an over night stay before you will need a good and valid reason to be away for the night.
If you haven’t got a good reason or plan in place then your husband/partner could become suspicious.
I wouldn’t do an overnight together until you are certain you won’t get caught.
Perhaps do a couple of overnights with a friend or even yourself and see how that goes and also his reaction to you going and his reaction on your return.
If all is well perhaps then you could plan something with your Ie.
It worked for me 😉.
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Paula99 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 12:57PM
Unless you have had a lifestyle/work environment that depicts you stay/work overnight or you have regular girlie nights then you are going to have an issue with finding a feasible excuse why you want to stay out…most guys on here would understand and your home life and not put any pressure on you …
If he’s doing that …file him under k for knobhead 😊
1664445 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 12:11PM
Overnighters are really great, having a nice meal at a decent hotel, tipsy sex and having the night to snuggle in each others arms is bliss.
Downsides are when you find out she snores and the nagging worry in your mind that your house will burn down or get burgled lol
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Bikerdude69 - 24 Apr, 2024 - 11:45AM
Your lucky to actually meet anyone I'm beginning to think none of this is real
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NinaOakley - 24 Apr, 2024 - 10:44AM
Looking after a friend’s kids-they went into labour prematurel/burglar alarm went off overnight while they were on holiday, or other domestic emergency.
You want to drink on a work night out.
You are on a course in x city in the morning and work are prepared to pay for a hotel.
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