Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice from the more established bored members
on messaging technique and etiquette.
So, I'm a relative newcomer but have discovered my messaging technique is
letting me down, I can't quite work where to pitch it.
I'm trying to engage and hold the conversation but am then told my messages
are too long and winded. That they need to be shorter, punchier because
who's got time to read that plus of course someone maybe looking over your
Valid points, but surely a pithy two sentence reply/comment is hardly going
to maintain interest or engagement (unless you're Charles Dickens or Oscar
Most ladies on here seem to want a man crossed with the genes of Michael
MacIntyre and Jack Dee. We strive but it's difficult to get that over in a
few words.
So what's the secret?
I'm looking to you guys to offer up the elixir of smooth, easy going chat,
laced with humour and warmth in just a few words ๐
Oh and btw if anyone fancies practicing it with me I'm a willing pupil ๐
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Comments (24)
PlayingDominoes - 25 Jun, 2024 - 12:36PM
I find a cut and paste horoscope non-answer works for me!
Never read their profile
Oh, and remember to send a dick pic, that never fails
Oh and thrown in loads of emojis
(Currently I'm striking out as well, but hey, someone will read this and laugh) AND THEY'RE OFF
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ttam01 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 11:56AM
It is tricky when especially when the lady has an AI assisted profile and never writes more than a sentence (usually 'how are you today?'). I do think the advice to heed what is in the profile and messages and respond is good. Also ask a question or 2 about them, not just talk about yourself. Having said all this I do find the standard response is not to reply to my messages, so I'm more Jack Dee than Michael McIntyre. But soldier on, hope your luck improves.
EmnEm123 - 25 Jun, 2024 - 11:38AM
It would appear by the post that you have already received all the advice that you need.
The women you have been messaging have told you!
Can you not work it out?
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Purple dreamer - 25 Jun, 2024 - 09:58AM
From a ladies point of view I would say that any conversation is a two way process funny is good but I would say not a must to start , I personally not very keen on the straight into sex chat I do not need to know what your manhood is like and how you want to use it but also get it appeals to some
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