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Wildest excuses you’ve told to avoid getting caught…

I’ve had my fair share of nerve-wracking moments over the years when I’ve had to think on my feet to keep my affair under wraps, and it got me thinking… I can’t be the only one, right?What’s the most creative excuse you’ve used, or the closest call you’ve had, to keep your secret safe?For me, I once had to fake a car breakdown to explain why I was “running late” coming home. Nearly got caught, but it worked! :sweat_smile:

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Comments (52)

1626169 - 14 Jan, 2025 - 09:20AM

Although I’m a n here for a reason I haven’t actually met anyone yet, but I have been in a situation where creativity was so futile it added insult to injury!

merchant12 - 10 Dec, 2024 - 08:47PM

I once helped a woman who had an accident with her car. She wasn't worried about her car per se but about the fact she wasn't where she should have been. Panicking so much she told me she was having affair

Spicy Asian - 23 Nov, 2024 - 09:52AM

I'm rubbish at lying, if I had to make up weird excuses I'd easily get caught - but I'm lucky my husband ends up working away for weeks at a time, so I just have to wait for that, then there's no stress.

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Paula99 - 23 Nov, 2024 - 06:12AM

Anna and her king …

Perfect analogy…

You shouldn’t have to make excuses for your lifestyle..everything in plain sight …

No other way ….sadly

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1494077 - 22 Nov, 2024 - 11:14PM

Clickable Connection - 22 Nov, 2024 - 10:40PM

Need to already be able to accommodate an affair as part of your lifestyle/work pattern so things do not look out of the ordinary at all.

Clickable Connection - 22 Nov, 2024 - 10:40PM

Ciao1970 - no offence mate , but saying you've fallen asleep on the sofa , is pretty lame excuse - not surprised you got found out.

In my book , in order to have an affair, you need to have the space and flexibility to do so, and be able to fit it in with your life - whatever that looks like for you. If you don't (and most don't) , that's when you have to make up excuses , and perhaps run the risk of getting caught out.

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1711608 - 22 Nov, 2024 - 10:13PM

Keeping it truthful helps. (Going out to x with friends) but instead going with someone else.. providing you have friends base covered

DeeperThings - 22 Nov, 2024 - 07:59PM

I work away a lot. It’s quite easy. I don’t feel like it’s cheating, she broke our marriage vows by her adultery. Just enjoying myself while divorce goes through

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Tallandspicy - 22 Nov, 2024 - 06:48PM

I think a lot of people on here are kidding themselves that they think they're "getting away with it". If you've been together for a number of years, your partner will have a pretty good idea that the excuses you're making are fictitious, but they've just chosen not to do anything about it.
The last excuse I gave was to say that i'd fallen asleep on the sofa at 8pm and couldn't reply to her message.......the next time we met, she basically told me I was lying and that our relationship was over!.........3 months later were still together lol.

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Clickable Connection - 22 Nov, 2024 - 05:14PM

I try not to come up with excuses, or get myself into a situation where I need to.

Like Life is a beech said , keep it simple and based on actual truths , that way if asked you don't feel you need to come up with an excuse.

I do feel some folks over complicate this stuff abit lol

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