Tall Dark and Handsome (TDH)
Most of the lasses are searching for the elusive "Tall, Dark and Handsome (TDH) bloke". Plus they want him to be humorous, rich, flashy cars, amazing holidays, brilliant shopping trips and lasting in bed until cows come home! I understand that if you want to dream and demand then might as well go for the sky. But are you missing the trick here? Are you discounting genuine gentlemen who might be average looking but are great human beings? They might not have six packs and"Arnold muscles", but they can be sensitive and humorous and probably great in bed as well?
So my quick question - if physical attributes are a mismatch + you want to keep the whole thing a secret affair then how much does those "physical features" matter to you? Is your end goal not to have a great time whenever you meet? Each lass over here probably has around at least 20 lads chasing her and probably she can afford to be choosy ... but does it really work out?
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Comments (75)
Enigma.. - 10 Sep, 2024 - 12:37PM
Any woman who has a list as demanding as that is either a fantasist or delusional 😆.
So when are these women going to find the time to go on these amazing holidays and brilliant shopping trips?
Can they actually fit into a world of the rich? Fast Cars? Expensive hotels? Expensive wine and fine dining. Designer clothes and handbags etc… ?
Can they tell the difference between a shrimp and a salad fork?
Fake looks and clothes etc will get spotted in seconds.
Primark or Matalan doesn’t cut it.😉😂.
Or are they, as I suspect, going to stick out like sore thumbs.
You need to know how to speak, act, what to/and not to wear etc… in that kind of world.
Reality check…
Males from certain social classes will not be looking for females on a site like this lol.
So get a real.
Stick to reality and not a fantasy that’ll never happen.
Disney this site is not lol 😂.
Best laugh I’ve had in a while.
Me… I like Mr Average 😉😊.
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PZwittyman - 10 Sep, 2024 - 11:26AM
I'm an optimist and believe there is someone for everyone, even for me.
I think the lasses the OP speaks of are self selecting themselves not to be my IE.
I realise if you are inundated with messages, photos are a simple filter but I'm seeking more. In fact, at the end of my reasonably detailed profile, I have given instructions on how you can persude me to share my PW in your first message. (No takers yet 🙄)
However, I'm the exception that breaks the rule: 6' 2", darkish hair (grey beard) and I defer to my photos....for the last part 😉.
Paula99 - 10 Sep, 2024 - 10:58AM
Who types these bloody questions ?
No brains…
No common sense…
No empathy for others
No sense of moral decency..
Woke ..😕
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ClassyLady77 - 10 Sep, 2024 - 10:05AM
Good question..
Keeping an affair secret is rule 101 and is seperate to physical attraction..
It’s all about chemistry and I seem to have chemistry with bald men.. everyone has a type, being honest about it is always best policy. . It’s also how a man treats me and if they’re just only about sex But also a friendship..
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1704591 - 10 Sep, 2024 - 09:48AM
Well I don’t think the initial impression can be anything but superficial. A profile is a very basic start and certainly men can have hidden depths that a lady would never spot if she’s picking solely on physical characteristics. But an affair is a fantasy so the girls have to start somewhere. Same goes for us men really. We should all be a bit less quick to judge maybe?
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