Tunes that gets you in the mood
Ladies, which songs / tunes gets you in the mood?
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Comments (14)
marklondonengland - 24 Sep, 2024 - 01:21PM
It sounds more like a 70s swingers party to suggest that putting on some Errol Brown will suddenly get a woman excited. Some of these questions sound like they are aimed at different world where women exist behind the kitchen sink and men go out as breadwinners. I would merely suggest that the wrong type of music can ruin the mood, but anything else is good... These questions really should be centred in the 2020s though as it often feels like a discussion you might hear in an episode of The Sweeney...
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MagicMouse321 - 24 Sep, 2024 - 10:00AM
For me I think the point is that all music changes my mood.
From being in work-mode Kitchen cocktails and a never ending snog is just a 5 minute song away :)
ExoticOrchid - 24 Sep, 2024 - 09:18AM
The person I'm with gets me in the mood ...
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