Strangest places you’ve met up with your IE
My most unusual meetup was in the back of a library during a book signing event. We were definitely not there for the books! Where’s the most hilarious/strange/unexpected place you’ve agreed to meet up with your IE? Let’s face it, constantly meeting up for a coffee or a walk can get a bit dull and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so.
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Comments (26)
sparktacus - 17 Nov, 2024 - 02:19AM
In a R&D lab, she was there to test the samples with me. Mmm yes, i got her there as a "supplier" 😅😅
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Dpercy76 - 14 Nov, 2024 - 02:49PM
Once bumped into a woman I was seeing down a busy highstreet, we didn't want to be seen chatting so we went into a camping shop and talked while we walked around, upstairs they have a big room with all erected tents for show, it was quiet, we went inside one and started kissing, next thing she is on her knees pleasuring me lol, we heard a saleman coming up the stairs, just as we finished, he came in the tent, she had something on her face while we made small talk and left 😆
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Costa121 - 12 Nov, 2024 - 09:33AM
Thetford forest in the autumn was a great place on one of our meetings - all that fresh air and privacy xx
Altair53 - 10 Nov, 2024 - 01:47AM
One winter, in a city centre car park close to large park, we were surprised to see other cars park up around 5:30-6:00 p.m. with flashing headlamps but soon the falling snow obscured everything from us. Only later did we discover we had been bonking in a notorious dogging hot-spot. It was the D park in DFS if you want to know!
Another memorable spot was on hotel on a hotel balcony on the east coast of Gib - much warmer than Derby but happy days all the same!
ABronteSister - 09 Nov, 2024 - 06:56PM
One gentleman had a kitted out dungeon playroom. He worked in construction and had made these engineering wonders! I was quite impressed!
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MagicMouse321 - 09 Nov, 2024 - 03:16PM
One occasion was at a picnic in deep grass under a tree in the grounds of a stately home. Quite a passionate affair, sadly not in Bridgeton attire.
On the flipside, a darkened pub car park. It was a long over due third date, couldn't keep our hands off each other in the pub, so we left and whilst saying goodbye got a little heated. I do hope they didn't have CCTV...
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1648884 - 09 Nov, 2024 - 12:12PM
That’s great place to meet up lol , it’s original
Paula99 - 29 Oct, 2024 - 06:12PM
Those were the days when you didn’t log in to your workstation and your computer wasn’t looking 👀 for you if you are away from your desk too long ..😂😂😂
Paula99 - 29 Oct, 2024 - 06:03PM
Did you just go to bed for the one time ?…..why would you wait a year to do that ?
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