The Bell Pepper Code
I was chatting with a friend about how we all should come up with a fun, low-key way to signal to others that we’re... how shall we say, open to meeting someone new in public?
So, what if we start a secret code in the most mundane place of all – THE SUPERMARKET. It’s perfect! No one would ever suspect that your weekly food shop could lead to something a lot more... sizzling. 🛒
Here’s the deal: If you’re at the supermarket, feeling adventurous and maybe not quite as satisfied at home as you should be, you simply put TWO BELL PEPPERS in your trolley/basket BUT the stems have to be facing downward. That’s the key… It’s like a secret handshake, but with veg.
Think about it. You’re casually browsing the aisles, and suddenly you spot someone with the telltale peppers in their basket. Your eyes meet. There’s a knowing glance. An instant connection, all thanks to a couple of peppers.
What do we reckon? Secret meets in Tescos? 😏
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Comments (104)
Martha's little secret - 09 Oct, 2024 - 03:09PM
Sounds ridiculous but actually I read about single people in Spain doing this in supermarkets with pineapples in their baskets. If it works for them....... why couldn't it work for us?
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MoonMoon - 09 Oct, 2024 - 03:03PM
I'd 100% do this! Would be so funny to see people eyeing up what everyone's got in their trollies to check if they're looking for an affair 😂
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1695729 - 09 Oct, 2024 - 01:48PM
Just imagine all the discarded bell peppers at the checkout. How about a smile and catching someone's eye. I'm sure that works in a lot of places 🤔
DanielBrown1983 - 09 Oct, 2024 - 10:48AM
Surely you just need to seductively walk around with an aubergine..
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