Christmas gift ideas for a distraction…
So, I’ve come up with a plan to make sure my partner’s kept as occupied as possible for at least the next few months. I’ve decided to gift him a playstation for Christmas. He’s been dropping hints about it all year, and honestly? I think it’s the perfect way to keep him completely distracted while I, well... let’s just say, focus on my own 'activities'… It’s a win-win really!
Has anyone else gone down this route? Or maybe you’ve got your partner a Christmas gift that’ll keep them out the house more in 2025?
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Comments (28)
Clickable Connection - 18 Dec, 2024 - 11:32PM
Chris196929 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 08:38PM
Not sure if that was a rhetorical question but , I guess the answer to that question is - do you want an affair, and do you want to be able to chat to the ladies ?
If the answer is yes to the above , then I guess you have your answer
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AR1976 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 10:53PM
Maybe I'll sign my wife up to IE for christmas so she can be out having fun at the same time?!? Feels fairer than pottery classes...
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Chris196929 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 08:38PM
So I'm new to this and thinking would it be a good idea to treat myself to a gold membership for Christmas or would I be wasting my money ?
Clickable Connection - 18 Dec, 2024 - 05:10PM
My wife wanted to get a dog , so after a few years if strong hints , I finally caved. And wow it's been a huge distraction for her , it's been awesome
My only regret .....why didn't I cave sooner 😂
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1725148 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 04:00PM
Awesome. Can’t wait to start my new job on Tuesday night.👍👍👍
The A Show - 18 Dec, 2024 - 03:30PM
@Scrappymog fine by me! As long as I don't get harassed about what I'm up to constantly she can gladly wrap her arms around a long thick lump of clay, and anything else for that matter
1725148 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 03:23PM
@The A Show
You’ve f'd up there m8. We all know what happens at pottery class.
Both her hands wrapped around a long thick lump of clay, slowly moving up and down, unchained melody running through her mind….
Woah…my love…my darling…..
.suddenly the boring pottery teacher looks very different, and she’s thanking you for the best Xmas prezzie ever….
1544105 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 02:37PM
Well I know what going on if I get a PlayStation for Xmas 🤣
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fruitystrawberry - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:39PM
ha. I was about to go out xmas shopping for my husband and i think i've just been convinced to go with a games console now. He wouldn't be expecting it at all. We went round to a friend's house for a get together a few weeks ago and my husband just spent the entire night playing call of duty with the lads. Think we might be on to something here ladies!
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