Attractiveness is...
Men, what do you find attractive in a female? Fashion, makeup, figure, looks, personality?
Women, what do you find attractive in a man? Suits, casual, formal, hair, height, size, personality?
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Comments (72)
Delicious Chaos - 03 Jan, 2025 - 12:15PM
EO haha considering some of the messages I’ve received recently then yes you’re probably right. Some men on here send some outrageous messages that they would never put on public!
Delicious Chaos - 03 Jan, 2025 - 12:13PM
The most beautiful man in the world can be awful! Back in the day I started an affair with the most beautiful man, women would look at him when we went public but he was awful in bed and was actually very boring.
Whilst a man needs to be attractive, a good personality with no bullshit will do it for me. However if I’m not feeling it from a photo exchange then I just won’t meet them anymore. Inside I know what I want and I’m not going to settle until I find it.
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ExoticOrchid - 03 Jan, 2025 - 11:07AM
DC - 09:16AM
Did you really expect the men to be honest enough to actually say that??? 🤔
As for the comments by the men here ... yeah right! 🙄
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Here we go 693 - 03 Jan, 2025 - 11:06AM
Definitely personality and chemistry. I actually find women of all shapes and sizes attractive, but what generally gets me going is having the connection with them.
Shallwehavecoffee - 03 Jan, 2025 - 11:03AM
I think how I find a woman attractive is when someone feel comfortable and confident in how they look.
But I do appreciate we will always be unhappy about something, being comfortable with it speaks volumes
Clickable Connection - 03 Jan, 2025 - 10:55AM
To me attractiveness is how someone holds themselves, their facial expressions, their level of engagement with you , that lingering eye contact.
A smile that lights up the room , someone you can get lost in and wonder where the time went
All of this wrapped in a personality that you instantly connect with and can't get enough of.
Yea there's got to be some level of physical attractiveness for sure , but it's not all tits and bums for me - it goes well beyond that.
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Anthony1953 - 03 Jan, 2025 - 10:48AM
Drop dead gorgeous?
Maybe for some, not for me, it is the person that matters and sometimes that takes a while to discover, unless you make such a 'pigs ear' as I did recently by simply being nervous and saying all the wrong things. Still learning
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Forlorn66 - 03 Jan, 2025 - 10:26AM
It's definitely a personality thing for me but obviously there has to be a physical attraction too.
To me, the biggest thing is finding out what makes someone tick and seeing someone's personality shine through. You can be the most beautiful woman on the planet but if there's nothing behind the physical, it's pointless. The connection has to be there.
I haven't been here long but I've been surprised by the trepidation I feel when messaging someone who I'm clicking with, it's quite alluring.
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1715930 - 03 Jan, 2025 - 09:37AM
For me looks really are not relevant .I had a lengthy affair with a lady from here she was plump with incredibly thick glasses but what a great lady sadly she died .She was a lovely lady and she loved me .I suppose if a lady likes me thats one huge aphrodisiac so really looks do not matter a lovely smile is a huge asset .As regards make up not really and high fashion not relevant
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