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How do you stop yourselves from falling for your ie? I’ve been here before and fell for him only to find out he had other women from the site and was on many other sites. It ended because I wanted an exclusive long term affair. Can any of you really say you don’t get attached to your ie after many months of being together? One night stands are not for me

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Comments (127)

laugar164 - 25 Dec, 2023 - 01:54PM

Lady Dee I know how you feel I split with my last lady (not from IE) after a very long affair 2 years it was the right thing to do for both of us , yes it was hard for both of us but yess we did both agree it was time

1626541 - 19 Dec, 2023 - 10:14AM

Radical idea here: maybe have two IE's at the same time, that way you surely won't be over involved with one over the other and keep your marriage safe that way?

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LadyDe - 19 Dec, 2023 - 12:28AM

Well that was intense

Myself and my IE mutually decided that tonight we would end ready for 2024 (don’t need to go into why) we both had the most amazing time. I predicted a little while ago I would cry and yes being a girly emotional person I did …. But do you know why …
Because he was fucking awesome, just what we both needed at the time, IE has been great and although sad, I see it as another life’s journey.
He made me feel desired, sexy, like any man would want me, in short I’ve walked around with a cape on my shoulders … I’ve been lucky and hope you all find this connection.. did it have to end, uuummm yes because that’s the point, did it hurt, yes ..would I do it again ? Bring it on pls 😈😈

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1639292 - 18 Dec, 2023 - 09:15PM

You need to sort of fall for each other to make the most of the times together
If you don't have a desire to see someone it won't be that special when you do xx

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Life is a beach - 18 Dec, 2023 - 07:01PM

I didn't know what ti expect when I joined this site.
A few of us will develop feelings for our IE.
We have developed bond which enhances the other bits 😉.
Like some of you have said, we need to be careful and make sure we keep our home lives as normal as possible and don't let our passion drive us into a mess for both our IE and us.

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foxy lady68 - 17 Dec, 2023 - 04:43PM

i was on here a long time ago and met sumone and fell for him he was goin to leave his wife but didnt i was heart brokenit just got to complicated i dont want it to happen again but i just dont want it to be about sex.

Paula99 - 16 Dec, 2023 - 10:54AM


My words are a scenario and it happened a long time ago and it was my first affair …but I am still here to show that no matter what happens you live and learn..and you get stronger but that’s a lesson you can apply in general life..
If you are ‘missing ‘ something in your marriage then live a little and explore the possibilities..


You were not entirely wrong but it was a long time ago and I wish I had an outlet like this chat forum to ‘help’ me through the madness…. I hope she is worth it 😁

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boav91 - 16 Dec, 2023 - 08:29AM


Wise and sensible words. Seems like experience has taught you there.hope it was not too bad? I may be misreading i and sorry if I got that wrong. Any separation after a meaningful connection will lead to a sense of loss and a period of grieving. I guess that is to be expected but whilst I really hope that does not happen I take your point. The fact you are still here seems to suggest the risk is worth it . Thanks anyway words to heed there I think

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Vicky1283 - 16 Dec, 2023 - 07:53AM

Hi, interesting read. This is also something I'm worried about happening in the future

Paula99 - 14 Dec, 2023 - 11:56AM


IE is a learning curve and you are relatively a ‘novice’ to this modern way of dating…

There are a lot of ladies/guys that have more experience in terms of find a way through the IE jungle…..
There will always be the players..time wasters and general nutcases as this is only a cross section of life..
I do find that most genuine people want to enhance their marriages/partnerships rather than put a bomb 💣 through it …but this shouldn’t make you complacent as your affair could fall apart at any given time …that’s when the ‘real’ test comes around ..how you pick up the pieces after your ‘loss’ and look after your home/family..

Contrary to what people think you will get attached even if you convince yourself that you won’t 😁

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