The Green Eyed Monster
What happens when the cosy twosome becomes an annoying threesome with the appearance of the GEM? How does the GEM affect your IE relationship and more importantly, how do you deal with it?
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Comments (68)
1407040 - 06 Sep, 2020 - 03:57PM
Well, from my view a little jealousy is fine.. It shows you care. You dont then have a right to complain about the home partner being in competition, as I think we are all saying thats a lose/lose, but for me personally, I am after more than just a quick fling, move on, fling again etc etc.. Whenever I have been on here before, I have met someone, had fun, we have naturally fizzled out after a couple of years...and during that time, been exclusive outside our partners.. as a result, strong trust and are still friends...
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1403475 - 06 Sep, 2020 - 08:21AM
Once GEM arrives then it’s probably time to let go, no good comes from it
Elegant Flower - 06 Sep, 2020 - 01:19AM
Jealousy does not belong here.
If your lover is married or living with a partner, and you can’t deal with the fact that your lover’s spouse or partner take precedence over you, then maybe you might benefit from examining what your deeper needs are and what might possibly be causing you to feel insecure, before you launch into an affair.
I close on a more humorous note, with a quote on jealousy by Rodney Dangerfield:
“My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous.
The other day, she looked at my calendar
and wanted to know who May was.”
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1403173 - 05 Sep, 2020 - 09:28PM
Purple headed spitting monster here..far better than the darned green one !!
ClassyLady77 - 05 Sep, 2020 - 09:03PM
I don’t get jealous. I just move on...
Hubby tried to make me jealous once.. he didn’t do it again 😂 😈
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ClassyLady77 - 05 Sep, 2020 - 09:00PM
What is GEM? 🤷🏼♀️
I’m Obviously too 😇 😂
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scarlett43 - 05 Sep, 2020 - 08:44PM
Straight talking is the best.. If you are not into someone.. Just say.... The chemistry is just not there for me❤️
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1347857 - 05 Sep, 2020 - 07:37PM
Hey how's it going ladies
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