Lessons Learnt
What is the most interesting thing you've learnt about yourself since being on this site? 😃
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Comments (60)
Your Sexy Woman - 22 Sep, 2020 - 09:04PM
That I'm an unusually passionate woman ....
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tea_coffee_me_ - 20 Sep, 2020 - 11:15PM
"spud105 -
The one thing I've learnt about myself over the last 3 months is that when you get past a certain age you inherit a superpower...the one of Invisibility!!"
- nothing to do with age, it seems to be the year for it more than others :-(
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spud105 - 19 Sep, 2020 - 08:49AM
The one thing I've learnt about myself over the last 3 months is that when you get past a certain age you inherit a superpower...the one of Invisibility!!
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Roxy Gee - 18 Sep, 2020 - 03:36PM
I have learned that when you do make a connection it can be great but there are too many on here just wanting the online thrill and then ghosting when a meet nears x I have also developed a view that ghosts should be immediately banned!! xx
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TheWholeWorld - 18 Sep, 2020 - 01:54PM
That I actually should have become a farmer rather than worked in finance. Farmers are way more popular..
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1389672 - 18 Sep, 2020 - 01:21PM
I’ve learned that I’m a proper Alpha Male!!! 😈😈😈
Roger1999 - 18 Sep, 2020 - 11:54AM
Not necessarily from here but ive learnt that i dont have a 'type'. I just like women of and would rather than a woman for company than a bloke anytime
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Butterflies125 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 03:41PM
No one ever wants to meet, just sext!
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1388461 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 03:04PM
I seem to be collecting a lot of pen pals so beginning to learn that if they don't/won't meet in public for a quick coffee within 2 weeks then they are not real and only want online chat.
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1409258 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 02:29PM
im avarage and boring lol, but honestly i think its that i live too far out in the countryside to have much of a chance
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