I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated
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Comments (105)
Paula99 - 26 Nov, 2024 - 06:13PM
Communication was taught when we were babies…as for the ‘woke’ generation….what can I say ? …get the spoon 🥄 out
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laugar164 - 26 Nov, 2024 - 01:35PM
Hey team good afternoon. At what stage do you ask to meet?
Within the first 5 seconds of chatting 😂
What ever happened to remembering how it was done In real world IE world is no different
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1717658 - 18 Nov, 2024 - 09:00PM
Ask your partner and see what they prefer? If they want Morning/Evening brief texts then do it..if not don't.
Basic Gold Rule. Unless it's a major emergency or you're both in the midst of a chat then just follow/reply to a message. Of course in the morning if you want to say hello then do so but don't pester if no come back...
Clickable Connection - 16 Nov, 2024 - 08:09PM
@Anna and her king - totally and 100% agree
Chat to her , match her energy, get to know when is good to message Vs not - just go with the flow.
1494077 - 16 Nov, 2024 - 01:17PM
I think both parties soon figure out each other’s schedules and availability so chat routine should naturally fall into place. If there is a real connection, comms between meets should not be a chore but something you look forward to.
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laugar164 - 16 Nov, 2024 - 12:35PM
I'd say ask the lady are agree how much and when , we all have an other life's that take up most of our time and with Most lady's running a household and a job their time to message may be limited , bombarding her with messages all the time will possibly put her off
Delicious Chaos - 13 Nov, 2024 - 08:48PM
As EO said think outside the box, you like a profile you see on here ;-) then go between is what you need
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