If you could have an affair with...
If you could have an affair with anyone - dead, alive or fictional, who would it be? 😉
I'd choose Cleopatra...
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Comments (178)
1756958 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 06:27PM
The dead person I'm getting to have the affair with WOULD be alive during the affair, right? Just checking.
1743108 - 27 Feb, 2025 - 02:06PM
I'm spinning around, move out of my way
I know you're feeling me 'cause you like it like this
I'm breaking it down, I'm not the same
I know you're feeling me 'cause you like it like this….
SirrahNek - 24 Feb, 2025 - 08:27PM
My wife. If only her libido could be persuaded to wake up!
Then, in no particular order… Nigella Lawson… Naomie Harris… Rachel Weisz… Amanda Hillwood… Sophie Okonedo… Kate Winslet… Barbara Flynn (in the 1980s!)… Phoebe Waller Bridge… Franka Potente…
All so beautiful… But also so intelligent. I'd like to think that I'd have the wit to match words with them. I think they'd all be really interesting.
tmn2024 - 24 Feb, 2025 - 12:34PM
There are so many, many of them are not famous people who I just know personally in my own life. But if I had to name famous people, then Anne Hathaway for sure.
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