An affair...
My marriage is unhappy. Everything I tried to improve it made it worse. Therapy, quality time, space and distance, joint hobbies, seperate hobbies, focusing on the kids.. you name it. The ONLY thing that works for me is an affair.
An affair makes my marriage happier. Do you agree?
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Comments (255)
Cheekychopps - 12 Jan, 2024 - 10:18PM
You can have your cake and eat it . If the affair makes you feel whole and happy . You can make the most of this and enjoy the best of both worlds
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Northman21 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 07:19PM
Never done anything remotely like this , not sure if I'm here to make my marriage happier or here to make me and hopefully someone else happy
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Jamie_1 - 20 Dec, 2023 - 12:59PM
Ye I think so. I have had two affairs from this site which lasted for 10 years between them. We had great fun and lots of great sex and no one got hurt. It is the perfect way to have a little release ( so to speak) whilst not risking or hurting anyone and neither party has any further expectations
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FreddieKat - 20 Dec, 2023 - 12:00PM
An affair is all about you being happier. This can make you more tolerant to your partner which can lift the mood. You can't help a bad marriage by having an affair but you can get what you are missing from a marriage that isn't actually that bad. After 20 years I still don't know if I should have left my wife and started again or if I was better having an affair and staying together.
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1639599 - 19 Dec, 2023 - 02:40PM
I guess we are all waiting for the January rush for fun …..
takidemir - 18 Dec, 2023 - 11:20AM
yes . absulately true. each person wants different tastes...we come to wprld once..need to know other things too.
LadyDe - 15 Dec, 2023 - 03:51PM
🤣🤣🤣 maybe after 2 wks I might appeal as well to someone who’s sick of the wife 🤣🤭
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Paula99 - 15 Dec, 2023 - 01:50PM
I am working in between Christmas…my hubby is off for 2 weeks and my son is home …daughter is off also …I will be glad to go to work 😂😂😂
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1632457 - 15 Dec, 2023 - 01:18PM
PMSL - 2 weeks together, I guess I'll just hang tight then to when I seem a more appealing option!
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LadyDe - 15 Dec, 2023 - 07:04AM
Hi all I would say is it’s a pretty rubbish time of the year to be trying to connect etc… roll on Jan when we’re all sick of our other half’s and need the escapism …
FYI I’m one of the real ones 😉
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