A polite no?
So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?
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Comments (221)
1082650 - 24 Jan, 2025 - 09:04PM
A no thanks is fine and only polite. Ghosting is really poor form in my opinion and I’ve seen quite a bit of that. Genuinely would rather know - stops me chasing a reply.
1601936 - 18 Jan, 2025 - 01:34PM
I usually get a 'not for me, thanks' which is fine. I also get a lot of 'no reply' but that's ok too. I don't think there is any need for courtesy here on a site like IE.
A lot of times we men are guilty of sending copy paste messages and in those cases why'd we expect a reply? I believe if we write up a profile with some originality coupled with public pictures (pixelated sure) at least, that's the bare minimum to stand out here.
In my case, I also mention about my origin/ethnicity which saves me time and effort and prevents disappointment later in time when it's time for PW exchange.
All said and done, it's a waiting game lads. After all, I'm a Man U fan.🙃
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L.SA. - 18 Jan, 2025 - 12:42PM
I have found that “ I think you are a really nice person, however I don’t think we would be very well suited to each other “ is the nicest and most polite way to say
szmorus23 - 18 Jan, 2025 - 08:17AM
I say unfortunately we aren't a match. Wish you good luck to your search. 👍
Ghosting is unnecessary and is childish.
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Delicious Chaos - 12 Jan, 2025 - 06:11PM
Meeting someone you work with is completely different to here. I’m sure you did fall for her, no doubt the fact that you saw her everyday in a work setting may have had something to do with it.
This world is completely different, let’s not kid ourselves, a photo has to have something about it for you to want to continue a conversation with a view to meet. Anyone who says otherwise is frankly kidding themselves
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ExoticOrchid - 12 Jan, 2025 - 05:06PM
L2024 - 03:57PM
You worked together ... that's a totally different scenario to IE where we only have the (1) profile to read (2) some initial chat (3)photo exchange. Most wouldn't have the time to be having endless meets and chats.
I do try to be very forgiving about photos and if the chat is good, will usually wait until meeting in person to decide but then I'm single and have the time. Most marrieds don't have that.
Lec2024 - 12 Jan, 2025 - 03:57PM
And herin lies the problem. Physical attraction is only a part of it. Some are completely unrealistic when it comes to instant attraction. The person I’ve fallen for the hardest was someone who I didn’t fancy at all at first. Then, when we got to know each other - we worked together - I completely fell for her and thought she was so attractive I couldn’t take my eyes off her. And guess what? She was the same ! Funny how it goes.
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leggysheila - 12 Jan, 2025 - 03:32PM
I have the same problem x I think both ways are naughty and upsetting for the person c
laugar164 - 12 Jan, 2025 - 12:03PM
If I was to get a no thanks ,not for me I'd reply thanks for taking the time to reply and I hope you find your ideal IE
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