If you lost all five senses and could have only TWO back for your next IE, which would it be, and why?
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Comments (46)
The Joy of Impotence - 25 May, 2023 - 03:53PM
I'd have sight and hearing. That way, I could do the crossword and listen to The Sky at Night with my IE.
1575770 - 10 May, 2023 - 01:36PM
Taste and touch 😍
Redfoot6 - 20 Apr, 2023 - 10:53AM
Definitely hearing and touch.
It’d be a dream to be able to feel someone touching all of my body whilst they whisper in my ear 😍
1460472 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 10:51PM
Touch and taste then if they break wind whilst getting intimate you don't smell it hear it or see their mortified reaction 🤣🤣🤣
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1590175 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 08:26PM
Tripping over your own handbag kind of ruins the moment
(Not in your case obvs!!)
Gazza44 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 06:17PM
I don’t mind being blindfolded so I could manage without sight. I would want to touch you and hear you
1594372 - 19 Apr, 2023 - 12:00PM
Touch and smell. I love to touch and explore a woman’s body slowly. There is nothing more sexy than a good perfume on a body
Doricles - 17 Apr, 2023 - 08:43PM
Paula 99 - 07 Apr, 2023 - 0958 am
I tried the chocolate thing once: never again! I scattered some unwrapped chocolates and rose petals over the bed in a hotel room and splashed out for a bottle of bubbly to compliment my partners taste buds. It had been a while since we'd last met up and as you imagine, eating chocolate wasn't high on our list of priorities when she joined me in the room! I'll spare you the intricate details but you can imagine how the melted chocolate would have looked to the housekeeping lady when she came to change the white sheets and duvet in the morning! The Prosecco stains served only to enhance the perception of the room being occupied by a middle aged couple afflicted by incontinence issues! 😟
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