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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (246)

Here we go 693 - 04 Feb, 2025 - 06:34PM


We were together for a little under a year. It doesn't seem a lot,but we saw each other a lot, not always for sex, sometimes just to chat. She ended it because ultimately she was unhappy in her marriage and wanted to get a divorce. She also wanted more than I was prepared to give her and knowing that she took the decision to end things. It has been hard, but I have been supporting her with her divorce and she knows if ever she needs to vent she can rely on me. No, she isn't back on the site.

Delicious Chaos - 04 Feb, 2025 - 06:19PM

Here we go

Did she say why? How long were you together and is she back on here?!

Paula99 - 04 Feb, 2025 - 05:56PM


It’s nice to see that you both value your friendship..and are dealing with the ‘grief’ together which is much easier..


Here we go 693 - 11 Jan, 2025 - 10:54AM

Sorry to bore anyone (Paula). If you've seen it already, skip it.

My IE said she couldn't see me anymore as my lover a month ago. I was completely devastated. I knew something was up as the communication had changed. Before we would message all the time, then it became very patchy with long breaks between messages. We have remained friends however as we both agreed we had such a good connection. It will never be the same, but I will be eternally grateful to her for the time we had. Equally I will be eternally grateful she didn't just ghost me.

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Dram12 - 11 Jan, 2025 - 10:32AM

Well, it's that time when you just know. I ended mine (I've only had one IE partner) because she fell in love with me! Is that a good reason, or make me a bad man?

1698859 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 01:55PM


Your comment is also bang these things just develop over time I joined with the look of oh these things will only last a few months but one didnt it was a brilliant 3 years I wouldn’t change a thing

& I only said if your unhappy it’s just how I go here in the first place
You all have a good weekend 👌

1698859 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 01:24PM

You are bang on write with your comment 👍

EmnEm123 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 01:19PM


Everyone who has an affair isn't necessarily desperately unhappy at home as you have just learned.

Your AP has chosen to stay with her husband.

I think most people would try not to let an affair adversely affect their "real" life.

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1698859 - 23 Aug, 2024 - 12:01PM

Me & my AP had an affair for 3 years & she made me so happy infact I’ve never been so happy
It ended 9 weeks ago today her H found out & yes I know feeling shouldn’t of come into it but it just happened I fell in love with her & I still do always will on my mind all day every day .
We had a 1 hr phone thing is we always said we have loads of time we only had an hr .
I did go to see her to see just how she was thsts me sorry how I’m made
I’m totalky heart broken
Anyway the above shows how things can end so very quick
If yiu ever find someone you like tell them simple if your unhappy @ home leave I am / have
I’ll wait for comments no doubt mixed 👍

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Paula99 - 20 Jul, 2024 - 04:58PM

Happy Joe …

She gave you a reason …be happy with it …she could have just disappeared…clearly she wasn’t the one for you ..just move on … I am sure the right person is out there 🤗

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