Are LinkedIn romances a thing?
Has anyone ever been asked out on LinkedIn before and is it a big red flag for you? Seems quite unprofessional, and a definitely risky for someone seeking an affair.
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Comments (25)
Marlen - 23 Jan, 2024 - 07:57PM
LinkedIn.....bad idea and a rookie mistake!
If you want your home life retained, don't.
Be ultra cautious...burner phone/sim, use secure folder and an app like telegram or signal, dedicated e-mail, separate payment methods.....oh and use the same shoer gel that you use at home!🤣
Paula99 - 19 Jan, 2024 - 01:46PM
If you are like me and are situated in a building where there are cameras everywhere…I never use the in house WiFi and there is no signal unless you go outside..your desk/lap top is being monitored and gets a service every 6months…
This is a great idea but frustrating at times …
Moral of this story is ….keep your private life private..
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Somniata - 19 Jan, 2024 - 12:37AM
Looking for romance on LinkedIn? Why? I didn't know it was a thing. I would definitely consider it a red flag.....yeah, someone with no sense of propriety!
Legs&Eyes - 14 Jan, 2024 - 12:49PM
I use LinkedIN professionally on a daily basis.. have used it since its conception.... And a lot of guys do message (if they are within the network and/or upgrade to send messages) and you sense why they are messaging from the first contact.... I block immediately, it's literally an ick, to be sat doing my job and a random guy pop up asking me if I want to go out for a drink! Urgh...... Professionally , my head doesnt work like that in the workplace!
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Paula99 - 14 Jan, 2024 - 07:21AM
LinkedIn is not a place to encourage anything only the possibility of a head hunt for employers only ..🙄
Why have a dog and bark yourself ?
Life is a beach - 14 Jan, 2024 - 12:29AM
Why on earth would you even think of using LinkedIn to start seeing someone!
Keep it professional people!
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Naughtysecret1 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 07:53PM
Thats a hard no for me...never compromise what pays the bills with naughty thrills...
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1447655 - 13 Jan, 2024 - 01:37PM
No it's not. Be told. Boundaries people. 🙄
WineAndOlives - 12 Jan, 2024 - 02:27PM
Remember some senior lawyer getting exposed on there by the person they flirted with on LinkedIn.
Probably not the safest place.
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