Dressing up for your IE, when is right?
I've been seeing the same IE for several months now. At the weekend he confessed to having a fetish for a woman dressing up like a gladiator from TV. He made us watch the new series on Saturday and revealed he was obs
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Comments (46)
Thinkingwomanshunk - 13 Feb, 2024 - 08:48AM
It's unfortunate that there is no sexy bedroom wear for men. What there is, is really only suitable for a fetish club or gay bar.
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on and on - 13 Feb, 2024 - 06:28AM
Jet in the original series, was every boys wet dream 🤣
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Paula99 - 13 Feb, 2024 - 05:17AM
Wearing beautiful underwear is good for the mind and body…but you should wear it because you want to..
I know some guys love it and I have worn mine for that reason but but the guts I have met seem to prefer the feel of skin on skin …
The profiles in IE seem to display the opposite…they want a fashion statement/ and or the full kink version ..
I have friends that do both versions but also friends that just like vanilla…the bottom line is you do what is good for you and in time you can progress to something different if that’s what you want
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1447655 - 10 Feb, 2024 - 08:26AM
I spent years with an ex I.E where en-route to meet I would change into the whole regalia - basque, stocking, heels. I had a certain cubical at a large Midlands train station where I'd go in looking like a mousey librarian and come out as 'Wonder Woman' (well, under my coat). But I have friends who have really beautiful bodies, and all their lover wants is their naked flesh. I would definitely rather be wanted like that than with all the gilding. To just be wanted as me.
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Legs&Eyes - 29 Jan, 2024 - 08:35PM
I think everyone's different in what they want to wear and what they want their IE to wear..
Personally I love sexy black lingerie, stockings, heels, Chanel No5 - its what makes me feel sexy in the bedroom - I can spend all week in work dresses, flats and tights, weekends in leggings and trainers - so in the bedroom I like something else.... I find it sexy for me tho, not because someone else wants it....
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1447655 - 26 Jan, 2024 - 03:35PM
I get so blinkin' bored or the same old thing...
-Do you like wearing heels? (I dunno, do you? And while we are on it, how come men don't wear burkas?)
-Do you like wearing sexy lingerie? (If you want to pay for it because stockings are a tenner a
pop mate.)
-Do you sleep naked? (No, it's blinkin' January, in England! I sleep in p.js and bed socks, its freezing! I'm not blinkin' Marylin Monroe 'naked but for Channel number 5!)
I swear I'm going to start telling them I wear a clowns outfit with thise big shoes, red nose and fuzzy wig!
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laugar164 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 04:09PM
It's nice for a lady to dress up. but for me if she does it because she wants to were nice lingerie and it makes feels sexy
@Paula shall I dust off my lion cloth
Suzanne1983 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 03:37PM
There needs to be a time wasters list of names that dont turn up to dates. Wish that could work.
I only joined yesterday and this forum is great but wow how many flaky people out there acting their shoes size. Its putting me off.
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Paula99 - 25 Jan, 2024 - 01:51PM
Not all guys like you to ‘dress up’ in the bedroom ..they like the feel of skin on skin ..
If your guy likes uniforms (.Nurse etc) …stockings n suspenders and other lingerie …if you want him to wear a ‘loin cloth ‘ and beat his chest then have a bash at it..
Either way it’s about how you communicate your needs 👍
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